The title of the article is strong, even powerful: I made a combo. Why is that ? Because in addition to seeing a champion totally reworked by the developers, this is a character whose ends have been glued in order to bring him back to life: Sion. For those who have forgotten about this champion formerly described as undead and lost in the shallows of the game's champion roster, it was about that stunted green thing. But that time is over. Now Zion is a real bully.
Riot had led us slowly but surely towards his revelation, his new look through a promotion site called "Renaissance". In four days, we were treated to a small historical plot around a statue bearing the effigy of a legendary warrior of Noxus, who fell in battle against the king of Demacia (besides taking the life of the king in his death). Described as a fearless warrior, the then Grand General attempted to resuscitate him but he only obtained a beast that killed everything in its path, even his former allies. Several centuries after Swain, Grand General Noxien, found LeBlanc's help with the blood of a Demacian prince (Garen perhaps ?!) to convert Zion and control him. Which has succeeded. The brute was created and she no longer fears pain.
- Passive
- Sort A
- Spell Z
- Luck
- Spell R
Passive Skill: Posthumous Glory
Sion becomes enraged when he loses all of his HP. For his last moments to live, he gains a full HP gauge and significant bonuses in Attack Damage, Attack Speed, and Life Steal. His skills are all replaced by Fatal charge which grants him a huge but brief movement speed bonus. Sion dies after his health gauge is depleted.
Murderous crash
Sion comes to a halt to prepare an attack that will strike a large area in front of him. The longer Deadly Shatter is charged, the more damage increases. From 50% charge, the attack knocks all enemies hit into the air.
Interior fire
Passive : Sion's max health increases each time he kills a unit.
active : Zion surrounds himself with a shield of blood. If the shield remains intact for its duration, it will explode and deal magical damage to all nearby enemies. Zion can detonate the shield prematurely by reactivating the skill.
Killer cry
Zion howls in the targeted direction, damaging the first enemy hit, slowing them and reducing their armor. If Killer's Cry hits an enemy minion or jungle monster, then the target is knocked back a great distance. The thrown minion or monster damages and slows all other enemy units hit.
Unstoppable Assault
Sion begins to charge in a focused direction, gradually accelerating and stomping enemy minions in its path. It can cancel its charge prematurely, in which case it hits the ground and deals area damage to all nearby enemies. Otherwise, Sion charges an extremely long distance and only stops when he hits an enemy champion, a wall, or when he reaches the max range of his charge. If Sion hits an enemy champion, he knocks them into the air and inflicts area damage; if he hits a wall, Sion is briefly stunned and deals area damage.
Description rapide
Sion is a stubborn, tanky colossus, equally at home on a solo route as it is in the jungle of Summoner's Rift. With his attacks slow and predictable, Sion thrives in the midst of melee and unleashes his full potential when he strikes a chain of assaults.
It works well with Ashe, Nautilus and Zilean that is, with characters with high control potential or for the resurrection of Zilean. On the contrary, he tends to suffer against Lucian, Azir and Swain (it's the height eh!). Indeed, Lucian and Azir are very mobile and Swain, in addition to being tanky, can immobilize and slow down Sion.
As I told you, Sion has been completely reworked, including visually. He no longer looks like a borderline hunchbacked character but rather an undead brute. So here is a comparison between old and new models.
- Base skin
- Skin Hextech
- Skin Barbarian
- Lumberjack Skin
- Slayer Skin
I invite you to consult my sources for what remains as information (in particular the videos):
- Official site
- Surrenderat20.net