Preseason 6 is an opportunity for Riot to rework certain shooting characters to give them their own identity.
Do not forget to find the other articles from the summary of the Season 6 file!
Miss Fortune
- Passive
- Sort A
- Spell Z
- Luck
- Spell R
Fickle heart (new!)
Miss Fortune deals bonus damage when attacking a new target.
Double (changes)
Miss Fortune fires a projectile that hits a first enemy and then a second behind, dealing more damage to the second target. Both impacts can apply Fickle Heart. If the first target is killed, the second takes additional damage.
Fanfarone (changes)
Passive: After a few seconds without taking direct damage, Miss Fortune gains movement speed. After a while, she gains an additional bonus to movement speed.
Active: Miss Fortune gains an attack speed bonus in addition to the full bonus that Fanfaronne can passively grant. Fickle Heart extends the duration of the attack speed bonus, and the duration increase is doubled against champions.
Rain of bullets (effect unchanged)
Miss Fortune rains hundreds of bullets in an area, dealing damage and slowing enemies.
Lead dam (effect unchanged)
Miss Fortune unleashes a barrage of bullets in a conical area in front of her for a few seconds, dealing damage with each wave. Lead Barrage can inflict critical hits.
- Passive
- Sort A
- Spell Z
- Luck
- Spell R
Busard (changes)
Every few seconds, Valor marks a nearby enemy and makes them vulnerable, in addition to revealing them for a few seconds. If Quinn attacks the vulnerable target, she deals additional damage to them. Harrier's cooldown changes based on critical strike chance.
Blinding Assault (changes)
Quinn calls on Valor to mark an enemy and then damage and limit the vision of nearby targets. Applies a vulnerability target.
Eagle eye (effect unchanged)
Passively grants Quinn increased attack and movement speeds when attacking a vulnerable enemy. Activate for Valor to reveal a large area nearby.
Jump (effect unchanged)
Quinn charges at an enemy, inflicting physical damage and slowing their movement speed. After hitting its target, it leans on it, interrupts it briefly, and throws itself back a distance equal to its max attack range.
In enemy territory (new!)
Quinn and Valor unite to fly at high speed.
Quinn asks Valor to come help her. After 2 sec of channeling, they unite, increasing their total movement speed by 70/100/130% and giving them the ability to cast Fatal Volley by ending In Enemy Territory or by performing an offensive action. Damage from champions and turrets applies a 3 sec cooldown to In Enemy Territory.
- Passive
- Sort A
- Spell Z
- Luck
- Spell R
Destiny (new!)
Graves' rifle contains two cartridges. After firing them, Graves must reload. Each attack shoots multiple bullets in a conical area. Hitting an enemy with multiple bullets deals bonus damage. These bullets do not pass through units.
Terminus (new!)
Graves fires a projectile that explodes after 2 sec, or immediately if it hits a piece of scenery.
Smoke screen (effect unchanged)
Graves fires a smoke grenade into the target area, producing a cloud of smoke. Enemies caught in the cloud of smoke are slowed down and no longer see as far.
Dump (changes)
Graves rushes past him, reloading a bullet as he moves. For a few seconds, Graves benefits from a bonus in armor and magic resistance.
Collateral damage
Graves fires an explosive projectile so powerful it hurls him backwards. The projectile deals massive damage to the first enemy hit (or when reaching the end of its range), then it explodes and hurls shards in a conical area that deal additional damage to enemies behind the target.
- Passive
- Sort A
- Spell Z
- Luck
- Spell R
Surprise d'Icathia (effect unchanged)
When he dies, Kog'Maw sets off a chain reaction that detonates him after a few seconds, dealing raw damage to all nearby enemies.
Caustic slime (effect unchanged)
PASSIVE: Kog'Maw gains attack speed.
ACTIVE: Kog'Maw fires a corrosive projectile that deals damage to the first enemy hit, reducing their armor and magic resist for a few seconds.
Bio-arcane dam (changes)
On activation, Kog'Maw produces a bonus in attack range and doubles all his bonuses in attack speed, regardless of the origin. Kog'Maw's basic attacks deal damage equal to a percentage of the target's maximum health.
In addition, Kog'Maw's attack speed limit is doubled.
Nether Ooze (effect unchanged)
Kog'Maw spits out a trail of silt, damaging and slowing any enemies that pass through it.
Living artillery (changes)
Kog'Maw fires a living projectile at great range, dealing damage equal to the target's missing health, in addition to revealing it for a few seconds. The cost of subsequent Living Artillery fire increases for a while.
- Passive
- Sort A
- Spell Z
- Luck
- Spell R
Hextech balls (new!)
Corki's basic attacks deal bonus damage, half of which is magic damage.
SUPPLY: After a certain time, Corki can return to the base to retrieve some Supply which grants him a bonus in movement speed (outside of combat) and the possibility of using a "Mega Valkyrie". The latter is faster and goes further than the standard Valkyrie, dropping bombs in its path that knock back enemies and drop incendiary tar on the terrain. Enemies that hit this tar are slowed and take magic damage over time. The bombs are reloaded every few minutes.
Phosphorus bomb (effect unchanged)
Corki drops a bomb on a target area, dealing damage to all enemies hit and revealing them.
Valkyrie (effect unchanged)
Corki charges to the target location, dropping bombs that leave flaming areas on the ground. Enemies in the flames take magic damage over time.
Gatling (effect unchanged)
Corki activates his gatling, spraying a conical area in front of him with bullets, reducing enemies' magic resistance and armor every 0,5 sec.
Projectile Barrage (effect unchanged)
PASSIVE: Corki stores a projectile and can stack up to 7. He respawns with 4 projectiles in stock.
ACTIVE: Corki shoots a projectile straight in front of him, which explodes upon hitting an enemy and inflicts damage to all nearby enemies. Every three projectiles, Corki fires a large Bertha, which deals even more damage over an area twice as wide.
- Passive
- Sort A
- Spell Z
- Luck
- Spell R
Headshot (changes)
Every few basic attacks (from tall grass, attacks stack multiple effects at once) or when attacking a trapped or trapped target, Caitlyn shoots her target in the head. Headshot damage now increases based on Caitlyn's critical strike chance, and the range is doubled against targets trapped or caught in her net.
Piltover Peacekeeper (effect unchanged)
Caitlyn fires a thin, armor-piercing projectile. On impact, the projectile expands and deals reduced damage to targets behind. Piltover's Peacekeeper always deals 100% of its damage to targets revealed by traps.
Yordle trap (changes)
Places a trap that doesn't hurt enemy champions, but immobilizes and reveals them for a period of time. Caitlyn stores a new trap over time and can carry up to three traps.
90 gauge fillet (effect unchanged)
Caitlyn shoots a net, knocking her back, in addition to damaging and slowing enemies.
Surgical shot (effect unchanged)
Caitlyn prepares a very long range shot against an enemy champion. Enemy champions can intercept the projectile.