In line with the previous patch, this update continues the work done by developers to balance and at the same time clarify the game. The patch will be deployed on the night of July 15-16, 2014.
The following is a selective summary, the full patch is available on the official website.
Jungle Chronos
As it had been discussed on the various blogs this point was a little controversial, but the chronos of the jungle appear on the live servers as of this patch. In short, this is to display for all players the timings of the Blue Golem (on your side, your base), Red Lizard, Dragon and Baron Nashor. Enough to be there for epic clashes.
shiitake mushrooms
- Ahri: Illusion Orb round trip is more powerful and costs less mana.
- Enlist: the developers talked about it recently and they want to find Alistar but not in the jungle. As a result, his control is reduced to avoid looking like a Malphite under ultimate from level 2 and his passive against jungle monsters has been removed.
- Kassadin: ever and again balancing, the Void Altered Human sees two of his spells slightly modified downward, without breaking the character either.
- Kha'Zix: after its big nerf, Taste of Fear (first active spell) regains some damage. Soon the return of the flying insect?
- Lucian: Here at last is its change and, according to the developers, the range of some of Lucian's attacks has been reduced, but his E's cooldown is now reduced by the hits inflicted with his passive ability. His E no longer costs mana, so Lucian will spin around quite a bit in the middle and end of the game. This is the big change announced for a few weeks.
- Other bug fixes and fixes.
- Bloodthirst's life steal is increased but becomes a unique property.
- The Spectral Scythe grants more attack damage and is built from a BF Glaive.
- Manamune is also a little more powerful.
- Jungler's items have been removed from Howling Abyss.
- For Howling Abyss, Tortured Forest, and Crystal Breach, we're upgrading Grez's Spectral Lantern to help him stay level with other jungler items on these maps. The all-new Scout aims to give shooters a more attractive sight-type item on the map.
- The new Intro Bots training mode is built into the game. This is the default mode for new League of Legends players (below level 10).
- New audio engine.
- Other bug fixes.
- During patch 4.12, two skins will be released in the store:
- Mecha aatrox
- Mecha malphite