Every week (or almost), Man at Arms Reforged: the Stagmer brothers and the rest of the Baltimore Knife and Sword team, offers a video on YouTube where they forge and recreate a weapon / armor from movies, series or even games. videos. This week, after many requests, they decided to recreate the sword of a well-known character from League of Legends: Master Yi. A nice blacksmith's job, which deserves to be shared and that I let you appreciate, to compare with the original!

Note the fine details, especially on the two snake-shaped rings!

I let you watch the video to discover the whole process to forge and sculpt the various parts of this weapon.
It is also not the first weapon in the game that the team forges. They are regular players themselves! I will also let you discover the three other weapons that have been entitled to this treatment in the past: Katarina's daggers, Diana's blade and in a previous version of the show: Leona's sword (the most beautiful for me ). Good viewing !
And you, what element of the game would you like to see come true?