LEGO Worls is enriched with a new online multiplayer feature. This allows two players to explore their respective worlds, creating and engaging in cooperative or competitive gaming experiences together.
The game is currently in Early Access on Steam and is enjoying an exclusive promotion until Friday only. If you buy one, the second is free for your friend!
So why don't you go for it? LEGO Worlds offers an open environment of computer-generated worlds made entirely of LEGO bricks. The whole world is inhabited by the madness of LEGO. You can meet cowboys who ride on giraffes or vampires who scare polar bears, and ride your steamroller, a racing car and colossal excavating machines. As for the quests, there is nothing to be bored either, the tasks are varied: to carry out an important mission for a king, to protect a farmer from a zombie invasion or to build a house for a caveman. ..