Steeve "Moorgard" Danuser, Content Development Manager spoke today about the story of EQ Next. Having previously worked on EQII and written stories on the Mobhunter fansite when Norrath was emerging from the earth, he is very excited to be part of the EQ Next adventure.
Its job is to build the lore of the game. Surrounded by a team of writers, they create stories about the important characters of Norrath. We can already get a glimpse of their talent through the published news featuring Coralen Larkos and Keramore Thex. These two characters played a very important role during the Dragon war, a battle taking place 500 years before EQ Next started.
In the last letter from the producer, Terry Michaels revealed that the next story published would be the "tale of a thief dwarf" embroiled in a great catastrophe. It will ultimately be another story that will be available, that of Maxwell Alexander Drake, "The Enemy of My Enemy, Part 1". This choice is explained by the team's desire to further develop the events of the Dragon Wars, a crucial point in the story that will shape the landscape and culture of Norrath. This process will allow you to discover this event from different angles, and why not, from the point of view of the dragons too!
"The enemy of my enemy" focuses on a group ogres, most of them living under the oppression of the Empire Takish. A surprise attack will offer them the possibility of changing their destiny. But by what way? The story is available on the site's e-bookshop.
This drama program will be diversified. The first short stories consisted of around 20 words. The team loves this format but wants to keep the stories shorter. "The enemy of my enemy, part 000" results from this will. Danuser reassures fans avid history: the second part will be available within two weeks. After this publication, a short story written by Robert Lassen on the rise of Coralen in power and his first meeting with Keramore will be uploaded.
To conclude, Steeve specifies that the story introduced by Terry will make a comeback. Many stories about EQN's lore await you! Please feel free to tweet your review via @EverQuest_Next and @Moorgard.