Knossos is a little game offering to get lost in 2D, 3D and even 4D mazes!
The creation of a labyrinth is done thanks to a grid of parameters, allowing to choose the dimensions, the size of the grid, the difficulty, the textures to use ... At most, it is possible to create a labyrinth with 10 million cells. This window is really not pretty: they could still have made an effort on the side of the presentation! Well, at the same time, it's effective.
The rest of the configuration is done in-game via the customization of the interface. Textures can be applied to the maze to change the appearance (although this doesn't really make it easier to solve by giving it a psychedelic look).
The maze itself is quite crude, with plain, brown walls.
Fortunately, here and there elements are displayed on the walls, offering landmarks to navigate.
There is also information regarding the number of movements remaining until the exit. This gives a general idea of the direction to take.
After wandering for a few minutes through dark corridors, and a good hundred movements (far from thirty for the optimal route), the exit is here!
The game ends with a graph showing performance. Well, I could have done better ...
To remain completely objective, Knossos is not the game of the century. It's pretty ugly, whether it's in-game or on the interface side, certainly in order to prioritize performance to be able to create huge mazes. But I must admit that it is quite addicting to go looking for the exit like Theseus and the Minotaur like this. The labyrinths are customizable and shareable with friends, which also offers a community dimension to the title. The price is undoubtedly a bit high, you will find it at 7,78 € on their official website, where they have also made available a free demo. Otherwise, on Steam, it is € 9,99.