You like them ninjas and you don't like them nazis? So I invite you to read what will follow!
10 Second Ninja is a small independent platform game developed by GameDesignDan and published by Mastertronic officially released on March 5th.
The concept ? Well, we find ourselves in a parallel world where there is Robot Hitler who wants to dominate the world, and for that, he wants to instill fear by killing a ninja, thanks to his super army of unarmed robots. Suffice to say that he has hope! This rather comical concept is also reinforced with the cutscenes unlocked during the discovery of a new world (see just after!) Which are always very funny!
The famous Hitler robot
The principle of the game is very simple in itself: you have a succession of levels that are part of a world. To unlock a level, you must complete the previous one. And to unlock a world, you have to complete all the levels of the previous world.
Choice of the world / Choice of level
Locked World / Final World
But how does a level work? Basically, you have to eliminate all the robots present in less than 10 seconds. They offer no resistance, so that's not what to worry about. The important thing is first of all to kill all the robots within the allotted time, the second will be to find a way to do it as quickly as possible, receiving at the end of the level a number of stars according to the time taken to complete the level.
To kill a robot, you have 2 different weapons: the saber which will hit all the robots around you and 3 shurikens which will be launched in front of you and which go through the enemies.
Result screen at the end of the level
These stars are obviously not for nothing, because the last level of each world is a boss and it is only accessible with a certain number of stars received.
Final level of one of the worlds
I'm just going to add something: the difficulty increases over the levels! Exceptional, you would tell me (: D), but indeed, you will need to be more and more strategic to complete successive levels as quickly as possible. For example, there will be new traps, slightly more resistant robots, etc. I'm obviously not going to tell you everything, it wouldn't be fun anymore!
In any case, this is what a level looks like, it is one of the first that shows what you should expect quite well:
And below are additional screenshots if you'd like to see more, but tell you more about traps and bots that will appear later in the game:
Warning ! Revelations
And There you go ! You know pretty much everything you need to know about 10 Second Ninja, a nice little game and quite practical if you have little time in front of you and you want to play! I have already played the game quite well, having unlocked 4 out of 6 worlds. It gets more complicated as the game progresses, but that is precisely what is good with this kind of game!
I hope this little preview of the game has made you want to play it, you can have it on Steam for 7.99 € (at the time of the publication of the article, it is 5.99 €), do not hesitate to give your reactions in the comments of this article, and your opinion on the game if you have played it too!

(will understand who will play)