Blizzard this week opened the second wing of its solo adventure which takes up the famous raid of World of Warcraft : Naxxramas. The Plague Quarter (accessible for 700 gold coins or € 5,99) offers us to face once again 3 bosses: Noth, Heigan and Horreb.
Noth the Plague Holder
Unlike in normal mode (I'm still assuming you managed to defeat bosses in normal mode when I write these guides), our good old Noth the Plaguebringer will no longer need mana to use his "Raise the Dead" special ability. ". In addition, to bother you, the vulgar 1/1 servants will be replaced by powerful monsters each with 5 damage points and 5 life points. Boring if you don't get rid of it very quickly.
Several strategies are viable to bring the boss to 0 hit points (45 hit points in heroic difficulty, you are starting to know the song) but I chose the easiest of them, if not the most fun. : the Mage Frost deck. Lots of versions exist on HearthHead and, depending on your cards already obtained and the amount of Arcane Dust at your disposal, you will adapt your choice (just know that just because a deck is worth more dust than it is necessarily better)
The goal of this deck: survive until you get Alexstrasza who has the power to bring the opponent to 15 life points, just by the force of his will. Once summoned, finish off the enemy dealing 15 damage. I choose this deck because it makes Noth almost powerless, since you will only be summoning a few minions, his power will affect you very little. Beware of its secrets, however, especially Counterspell, which can hurt if you don't plan. Ice Block can be annoying if you hit your burst, but has the advantage of not reflecting damage.
Heigan the Impure
The second boss of the district, Heigan the Impure, does not present a lot of variations between its normal and heroic version. You still have to be careful of his special ability Eruption which inflicts 3 points of damage to the card furthest to the left of the board. And also, it will be necessary to quickly be able to counter its Voidcaller present on the ground.
Mage Frost also does the job quite efficiently here, although early feedback on HearthHead seems to highlight a particular deck, that of a priest, which has the advantage of costing next to nothing (1 Arcane Dust). and work perfectly on this boss and the previous one, Noth the Plaguebringer.
In order to contain Heigan's damage, the author recommends playing the Stoneskin Gargoyle as early as possible and increasing its maximum health. This servant indeed has the advantage of being fully healed at each turn, which is a significant contribution against this enemy. So use Power Word: Shield or / and Divine Spirit in order to have a correct health pool and ideally to double the health points of your Gargoyle to make it "invincible". Deal damage as soon as you can, the fight will probably be very long but you are pretty sure to win, thanks to the priest's defensive abilities and his various healing spells ...
Horreb is the last boss of the Plague Quarter. And also the most difficult to defeat, the latter can now use his heroic Necrotic Aura power (inflicts 3 damage to the enemy hero) for free and will not deprive himself of this pleasure. You will understand, you will have a limited number of turns to defeat this boss which will finish you in 10 turns if you do not have any healing spell. Ah yes, to complicate things a bit, the Blizzard guys had the good idea to give the boss 99 life points, the icing on the cake: they also prevented the use of Alexstrasza for this heroic boss.
Okay, all the members responsible forHearthStone are not so cruel, some have had the good idea to allow players like us to destroy the spores that this charming creature summons. Your goal will therefore be to survive while depositing servants on the ground, so that as many creatures as possible have the attack bonus of these famous spores. Believe me, a boost of +8 damage points when you have to take down a boss of almost 100 points of life, it is highly appreciable.
The advantage is that you don't have to take a particular deck to defeat this boss. I still recommend a mage, his heroic ability deals 1 point of damage, it doesn't seem like much, but it's enough to destroy a spore and that's our goal after all, so that's perfect. The priest also seems to be a solid alternative to defeat this boss, I tested this deck which costs almost nothing and which gave me in 5 parts 4 victories, rather not bad then. Just remember to summon a Wild Pyromancer before healing yourself, it will inflict one point of damage to all opposing minions. If more than one spore is on the field, it's a jackpot, if at least you have a few minions on the field.
Good luck and see you next week for the Military Quarter which will confront us with Razuvious, Gothik and the Four Horsemen!