It seemed important to me to give a feedback on the modification of the release of the dogs that had been expected since the beginning of the month!
The Drop the Dogs + Hungry Harrier + Wood Wolf (or Scavenging Hyena) combo still works correctly. But the impacts on hunters should not be underestimated. This change was necessary for the balance of the game as it resulted in some really crazy game-reversal situations. And the card itself is still correct to play like that.
For my part, I still think that the problem mainly comes from the Hungry Harrier and not really from the Release the Dogs, but Blizzard has made its choice. Turn 4 remains a decisive turn in a game, suddenly the hunter will have more trouble and will have to play his combo on turn 5 or even 6. In any case, we cannot deny that it had an impact on the meta because we do not sees many hunters no longer.
The most affected is undoubtedly the no brain or fast rush hunter because he will not be able to redo his hand as easily as before.
This change could mean a return of aggressive Paladins and greatly diminish the Hunter Zoo vs. Warlock Zoos and Shamans or Miracle Thief. This also benefits Shamans who will have a much stronger start to the game against Hunters.
As a conclusion, I suggest you discover Trump's video on this new release of the dogs (note the video is in English):
See you next time for a new article on HearthStone!