A new game format is coming to Blizzard's card game: the Standard game mode ! Only available for Friendly Challenges, Ranked and Unranked Games, it is intended to help newbies get started in HearthStone. So, in order to simplify things, decks can only be built using basic and classic cards, embellished with cards released during the current year and the previous one. When it comes out in the spring, you will be able to build your decks from the following sets of cards:
- Basic game
- Classic
- Blackrock Mountain
- The Grand Tournament
- The Explorers League
- Spring 2016 extension
Note that this mode will not be available in the Arena, training, Arm wrestling or adventures.
- the current game mode becomes the Free play mode
- there will be two rankings, one for each mode (Standard and Free)
- only one reward per season will be granted according to the highest rank achieved in one of the two modes
- deck slots will be added (18 in total if you have all 9 heroes)
At the exit of Standard mode, HearthStone will inaugurate a new calendar where each year will be represented by a constellation of the zodiac. This first year will be that of the Kraken! Finally, we learn that adventures and extensions that are not part of Standard mode can no longer be purchased in the store (Naxxramas and Gobelins and Gnomes). Hurry up and buy them: after that it will be too late! Cards will still remain available for creation with Arcane Dust.
What do you think of all these changes?