During Paris Games Week, NCSoft organized a Guild Wars 2 night in Paris on Friday November 2 from 20 p.m. Clamoune and I were lucky to be invited.
As soon as we arrived, around 19 p.m., many players were already at the entrance to the Espace Internet Milk, a cyber-café in the second arrondissement of Paris. In the queue, we talk about gems, Halloween, professions ... no doubt, it's there.
The principle of the evening is simple: one person, knowing the game, invites a second person, not yet knowing it, to show them around. At our entrance, all the computers are prepared with the game installed and gifts neatly arranged around the keyboard: bottle of water, T-shirt, notepad, pen and a large candy.
In a corner of the Steelseries bags, the event partner, await the gift-hungry players that we are.
The evening was clearly a success, there are many of us and very quickly, each pair is forced to share a single computer because there are not enough places. Whatever, we push each other, we sit on the floor or on the knee of our evening companion and presto, we play! In the assembly, members of the Guild WaR LegenD, a large guild with very friendly players, are available to answer questions from "noobs" and perform a demonstration of the first instance on several occasions in front of small committees.
The upper room is crowded, fortunately on the ground floor, a second room (where it is also cooler) allows you to sit a few moments and eat: it's open bar with cakes, chips and drinks (hot and cold) at will. Around 23 p.m., Mélanie (spanish CM at NCsoft for GW2) launches the distribution of the prizes (at the entrance, we all had a lottery voucher). Are involved 2 tables with drawings, a steelseries mouse, 2 GW2 bags, 2 GW2 toasters, a GW2 helmet, POS ...
And guess what I won? A superb toaster (the test will follow very soon)! Following the distribution of the gifts, people gradually left, happy to have been able to interact with current and future players of GW2.
Thank you to all the organizers, NCSoft and Steelseries, as well as the owners of the place (Espace Internet Milk), for this great evening which honored GW2 as it should!
You will find all the photos taken by Clamoune during the evening in the dedicated album on the forum (if you recognize yourself and you mind being published, contact me).
Did I have fun? Were you there?