Tuesday is the day of the Guild Wars 2 patch notes, this week we find fixes on professions and changes related to PvP season 2.
Correction and retouching
- General
- Personal story
- Objects
- PvP
- McM
- Iron Swamp: Fixed a bug that prevented the "Protect Sentinel Lashtail while finding and taming a Siege Eater" event to unfold. "
- Fixed a bug that prevented light adaptation from occurring when the player started swimming or stopped.
- Fixed a bug that affected the color settings of some male hair accessories for Norns.
- Fixed a bug affecting the personal story "The Flirting Hideaway" which prevented Agent Ifwyn from completing the "Speak to Emissaries of Orders" objective. "
- Runes and Seals: Fixed a bug that prevented certain runes and pieces of armor from being activated in the air or underwater.
- Meteorologicus III - Grawl Devotion: Fixed an issue that prevented the "Escort the Order of Sighs to Camp Grawl" event from proceeding smoothly. "
- Never Again IV - Bury Ancient Dwarven Texts: Fixed a bug that prevented this collector's item from being recovered before obtaining "Ancient Dwarven Texts".
- Never Again: Fixed a bug affecting Scholar Mossi that caused her to take more Obsidian Shards than intended.
- Progress for reward journeys that exceed the current journey is rolled into the next available journey.
- Added standard enemy models to the revenant profession.
- Added a revenant to training partners in the Heart of the Mists training area.
- Updated matchmaking to prevent a pre-existing group of 5 players from playing against a team of single player players.
- Updated matchmaking to reduce waiting time.
- Fixed a bug affecting the Battle of Kyhlo that prevented the system from notifying the player when their position was targeted by Trebuchet fire.
PvP Leagues
- All wins are now worth one point.
- All losses now subtract one point.
- Addition, at the end of each match, of a summary indicating how and why the players gained or lost points.
- Added winning streak mechanics: After three consecutive wins, players will receive an additional point for each subsequent victory.
- Added comeback mechanic: After three or more consecutive losses, players will receive an extra point on their first victory.
- The levels of the Amber division have increased from 5 to 3 points each.
- The number of levels of the Amber division has been increased from 3 to 5.
- The levels of the Emerald division increased from 5 to 4 points each.
Adjusted Daily Achievements
- The achievements "Daily PvP Captures" and "Daily PvP Defender" have been removed from the daily rotation.
- The achievements "Best Daily Stats" and "Daily PvP Matches Played in Ranked or Unranked Arenas" have been added to the Daily Rotation.
- The score counting timer located at the top center of the screen is no longer one minute ahead of the WvW cards.
Eternal battlefields
- Asura portals leading to other WvW maps are functioning correctly.
- Lowlands Fort: withdrawal of hostile drakes that could sometimes make the fort contested.
- Château Brumepierre: movement of a mortar on the outer walls to the south that was on a destructible wall, so that it does not float in the air when the wall was destroyed.
- Little Klovan Gulch: The Defend Little Klovan Gulch event. From the blue team no longer displays the incorrect 0/1 objective.
- Langor's Ravine: The Defend Langor's Ravine event. »From the green team no longer displays the incorrect 0/1 objective.
- The Griffin Fountain and Lion Fountain guild hall decorations can now be moved.
Professional skills
- Revenant
- Guerrier
- Elementalist
- Engineer
- Prowler
- guardian
- Voleur
- Elemental Blast: This skill now displays as a red ring to enemies.
- Energy Expulsion: Updated this skill to create an additional Energy Shard when the Natural Abundance ability is equipped.
- Soothing Bastion: Fixed a bug that prevented this trait from properly increasing Boon Duration when a shield is equipped.
- Succumb to Darkness: This skill now inflicts an attack instead of piercing defenses. This skill cannot be blocked and is immune to Blind, but can no longer pierce Evade.
- Infernal Blaze: This skill now inflicts an attack instead of piercing defenses. This skill cannot be blocked and is immune to Blind, but can no longer pierce Evade.
- Brutal Shot: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from knocking back the player if they were in the air. Fixed a bug that prevented sound effects from triggering.
- Flame Burst: Fixed a bug that caused this skill's interrupt time to reload if thrown at an enemy outside of the skill's range.
- Cyclone: The skill description has been changed to remove the words "Cannot be blocked".
- Water Globe: Skill description has been changed to remove "Cannot be blocked", as this normally only applies to offensive skills. The skill description now mentions the water field.
- Final Salvo: The skill description has been updated to remove Stability from the self-destruct skills of Gyrocopters.
- Thunderclap: Area of effect rings have been updated to display as combo area rings for allies and red rings for enemies.
- Faded Strike: Fixed a bug that prevented this trait from working properly with pets in "Heart of Thorns".
- Companion Power: Fixed a bug that prevented this trait from working properly with pets in "Heart of Thorns".
- Primary Echoes: The skill description has been changed to reflect the correct duration of Stupor when the Instant of Clarity ability was equipped.
- Astral Strength is now reset at the start of a PvP match.
- Shield of Courage: Fixed a bug that prevented Aegis from resetting when this perk was stolen by a thief using the Volunteer Theft ability.
- Symbol of Energy: This skill now displays as a red ring to enemies instead of a combo zone ring.
- Hunter's Determination: The first Aegis charge now lasts 8 seconds, as described in the skill description.
- Shackle Daggers: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from working as a projectile finishing move.
- Pistol stock: Fixed a bug that caused incorrect damage display in PvP. The initial strike of this skill has been merged between PvP and PvE (dealing PvE damage) and no longer increases damage dealt to enemies with Cripples.