Like every Tuesday, it's the day of the weekly update. With the arrival of the new wing, a good part concerns this game mode. Let's find the different changes together.
- Raids
- McM
- Guild
Valley of the Spirits
- General
- Adrenal fungi located near crossing points have been removed.
- Cooldowns automatically reset for players who are revived after their squad has been defeated.
- Spirit drink
- You Will Join Us: The duration of the warning for this environmental attack during Part XNUMX of the Wood of Spirits event has been doubled.
- Gorseval
- Gorseval now focuses his attacks on the player with the most Toughness.
- Spooky Prison: This skill is now easier to dodge and can no longer hit players while hang gliding.
- Fixed a bug that caused Gorseval to prematurely launch his World Devourer attack.
- Sabetha
- Added a client-side sound hint for players targeted by sap bombs.
- Rewards
- A Raider's Supply Box now rewards victories against bosses in Valley of Spirits. Players who have already achieved these achievements should receive the rewards the next time they visit the map.
- Players will now receive a box of elevated armor pieces when taking on bosses in the Valley of Spirits. They will be able to choose the type and statistics of the armor.
- Elevated Jewels received from boss victories in Valley of the Spirits are now available for purchase from the Priory Scholar for 250 Magnetite Shards.
- The Valley of the Spirits Priory Scholar now sells boxes of High Armor pieces that include the new stats implemented with the release of Heart of Thorns ™.
- Raid miniatures can be exchanged for 40 Magnetite Shards from the Priory Scholar in Valley of the Spirits. The weekly magnetite chip limit does not apply here.
- High gear received from victories against raid bosses will now provide Magnetite Shards when recycled. The weekly magnetite chip limit does not apply here.
- The props received during the victory against Gorseval are no longer unique.
- Sabetha's Crucibles can now be infused in the Mystic Forge.
- Keeper of the Valley's Power Rings can now be infused in the Mystic Forge.
- Trebuchet: The "Rotting Cow Shot" attack now displays a red ring at the poison field location.
- Lowlands Hold: The guild objective aura radius size has been increased to include all walls.
- Valley Hold: The guild objective aura radius size has been increased to include all walls.
- Players can now use resource rich areas of the guild hall if they do not represent the guild.
- The phonograph decoration now displays the correct size before being placed.
- Fixed basic pedestal decoration placement issues.