For this first overview of the Jumping Puzzles, I suggest you go to the Caledon Forest. We will thus find a musical puzzle (but only for fun, because there is no success) as well as 4 other Jumpings Puzzles.
Will be detailed:
The Speleologist's Cave
First, go to the point marked on the map:
You find yourself in front of a hole hidden by foliage:
Let yourself fall into the hole. You will arrive in a lighted cave. Continue to advance through branches, and you will find yourself underwater. Continue, there is only one possible path to get to another cave, with mushroom platforms.
Go forward by jumping on the mushrooms. You will come to a kind of junction:
Jump on the mushroom on the left, and go further. Watch out for the leaves that occasionally block your view. Another branch, take the left path.
And here is the much-deserved reward.
SaDoExpedition - The cave of the speleologist in video
Puzzle Musical
Go to the place indicated:
Then dive into the water, and right next to the quest giver NPC, you will see an aquatic organ:
Sit in front of the organ, and to unlock the puzzle, all you have to do is play the following melody (the numbers are the keys to press):
2-3-4-5-4-3-2 //// 2-3-1 //// 1-2-8-6
And here is the long-awaited reward (which I personally did not get, maybe a bug ... sniff!):
Morgan Bond
Be careful, things are starting to get a little tricky. Go to the given point on the map, but you are starting to get used to this.
Begin your ascent with the leaves at the bottom, then continue along a logical path. You will have to climb on rocks, as well as on branches. You will come to the base of a large boulder. Simply jump to the indicated landing.
Continue again, being careful of the top branches that could prevent you from jumping properly. Jump on the rock below, it's okay, don't worry.
Continue to climb, a bit in a spiral. And you will find a series of platforms that will have to be crossed.
Prepare your jumps well, because the fall could cause quite a sore spot. Progress logically, and you will eventually arrive at the reward chest.
Having said that, don't run away. The next puzzle starts from here.
SaDoExpedition - Morgan's Leap
Nightmare Reverie
Good bah, I will not tell you meeting point on the map, because logically, if you have followed the previous guide, you are already there. But just for fun, here's the map:
Continue past the chest, and after a few boulders to jump, you arrive in a cave. Get rid of the evil critters inside, and begin the descent on the mushroom platforms. I do not recommend the direct fall to go faster, it hurts more than good (and it forces to redo all the previous puzzle, bad idea therefore).
At the end of the descent, you should see other platform mushrooms opposite:
By the way, go a little further, you will find a small chest that is always nice. Also avoid the patrols if ever you are a little low level, they can hurt. So climb on the mushrooms, and follow the only possible path. Watch out for branches that could get in your way. Get to a big branch, climb it:
Continue on the mushrooms. You will arrive at the most perilous jump of the puzzle:
You will have to jump to the pixel if you don't want to find yourself 100m lower in less than 2 seconds. And then pray that you jumped at the right time. Continue the ascent, and you are at the end of your troubles!
SaDoExpedition - Nightmare Reverie
The Spekks Laboratory
Go to the point given on the map one last time:
Enter the cave, and climb the small rocks. You arrive in a particularly large cave, with lava and asura devices. The goal of this puzzle is to activate platforms, but which will deactivate after a while. So not only will you have to jump well, but also jump quickly. To get started, interact with the control panel:
You will see the first 4 platforms appear, which you will have to pass to get to the second control panel.
I will not give you the whole solution, because the principle always remains the same. Just be aware that there are places where you will have to go over the cliff to be able to reach other platforms. You will come to this control panel at some point, which brings up some rather oddly placed platforms:
Don't be fooled like me (blond, when you hold us). The vertical platforms are just there to trap the reckless player. You will have to go through the cliff opposite:
Once at the end of the platforms, you will come to 4 deactivated golems. Press the control panel to your right:
The lab owner will be slightly unhappy and send his golems to give you nice kisses (or not). You will also need to watch out for lasers coming out of the ground and sides, as well as projectiles. It is after this "titanic" fight that you will finally have access to the chest. To give you an idea, it took me over an hour to get through it (doing it in the morning upon waking up might not have been the best idea I could have either, though).
SaDoExpedition - The Spekks Lab
Voili voilou for this first guide on the Jumping Puzzles of the Forest of Caledon.