Hello everyone !
I will present to you the second article in a series of three that I will distribute to you in three months.
A lot of information about the target class will be shared with you. You will discover the profession, my ways of playing, the various combos effective attacks, my equipment, my jobs, my weapons, in short ... I share with you as much information as possible about the engineer!
The title "In the footsteps ..." will therefore be used for the three articles that will appear in the next few months, I hope you will enjoy my feedback on my three main gaming professions: Elementalist - Guardian - Engineer.
In short, we hang his belt, a few grenades and elixirs and forward!
- Presentation
- skills">Weapons and skills
- Other abilities
- skills
- Combos
- Gameplay
- Conclusion
The engineer, an alchemist in his spare time, is a genius handyman. Far from confining himself to an obscure laboratory or wandering wisely in the halls of a learned university, he travels the roads and battlefields of Tyria to put his surprising inventions to the test. If he is not himself a practitioner of the magical arts, he does not hesitate to integrate the magic of others into his own creations.
Engineers can deploy massive amounts of firepower thanks to their pistols and rifles but also a large number of mines, bombs, grenades, and other very practical tools. IThey can just as easily put themselves forward in combat and protect themselves with a shield. These tech freaks wear a middle armor and several essences that provide them with excellent support. The fact of equippingan elixir kit allows them to become an incomparable support and care platform. The variety of spells available to an engineer is very large, and everyone will find something to suit their style of play.
If they play alone, Engineers can control their enemies' movements by immobilizing them, slowing them down, dealing monster damage to them and reducing their armor to zero. Using direct hits a lot, they are a sure source of damage unlike ailments that can be dispelled. If necessary, they can also use defense and healing abilities, very practical in hard times. Some combos allow them to stealth eject from a certain distance or even dodge 100% of attacks for a few seconds. Well played, Engineers deal a mountain of damage while being elusive.
In a group, they are a platform for healing, bonus givers, damage and crowd control not insignificant. Why give him a shield? If you want to tank for your friends, the engineer has plenty to protect yourself and avoid / reduce damage. The good skills coupled with the shield will be excellent from a defensive point of view.
For my part, I am therefore this Asura engineer who will guide you throughout this article. My name is Lenatarrisp and I am part of the Static College! Let's go !
skills">Weapons and skills
Engineers therefore have access to 3 types of weapons: Guns, Rifles, Shields. These types of weapons give us various combat options because they can be combined differently: Pistol + Pistol, Pistol + Shield, Rifle
â–ş Which gives us several completely different styles of play; Not to mention the different kits of weapons, tools and other gadgets. We will see that in the GamePlay part. Let's detail these weapons.
Right hand gun
Usable ... In the right hand, obviously.
Explosive shot: a shot that explodes on impact and causes bleeding nearby, low damage â–¬ Applies bleeding
(2s 1/2) + area of ​​effect: 120 ▬ No cooldown. 1/2 sec cast. 900 range.
â–ş The basic automatic attack with the pistol is full of good surprises. Not only do you cause your target to bleed, but nearby enemies also receive condition and damage.
Projectile Combo (20% chance)
Projectile combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds alterations to attack.
Arcane: Adds confusion to attack.
Fire: Adds burn to attack.
Ice: Adds freezing to attack.
Light: Removes alterations to the allies.
Lightning: Adds vulnerability to attacks.
Poison: Adds poison to attacks.
Smoke: Blinded target
Water: Heals allies attacking the target.
Poisonous Darts Volley: Shoot a volley of 5 poison darts, moderate damage â–¬ Apply poison
(2s 1/2) â–¬ 8s cooldown. 1s 1/2 cast. 900 range.
â–ş You shoot five poison darts at your enemies at a rapid rate. One or two of them may miss the mark, but the poison damage takes effect. You are even more effective when shooting a group of enemies since you can spread the poison around.
Static shot: Lightning Bolt that ricochets off multiple enemies, moderate damage ppe Hit up to 4 enemies while also applying Blind
(3s 1/2) and confusion
x2 (3s 1/2) â–¬ 12s cooldown. No casting time. 900 range
â–ş This blow shoots a ball of static electricity that bounces between enemies. The enemy is preparing a powerful blow? Blind him and confuse him! So his hit won't do you any damage but he will take some damage from the confusion.
Left hand gun
Necessarily usable in the left hand ^^
Torch: Your pistol spits out flames that set your enemies ablaze. The more ready you are, the greater the damage, low damage between 200 and 600 range / moderate damage between 0 and 200 range. â–¬ Applique burn
(2s 1/2) low between 200 and 600 range / Applique burn
(2s 1/2) important between 0 and 200 range â–¬ 12s cooldown. 1/2 sec cast. 600 range.
â–ş Your gun shoots a cone of fire that hurts and ignites enemies! Scorch is a powerful buff over time, and the closer the target is to you the more effective it is. Use the blowpipe just before Sticky shot when an enemy gets too close. Continue by Poisonous Darts and let the alterations do the work for you.
Sticky shot: Line the floor with an adhesive substance â–¬ Immobilizes
(1s 1/4) enemies then inflicts infirmity
(1s 1/4) to those remaining within 5s of sticky zone. Area of ​​effect 240 ▬ 24s cooldown. 1/2 sec cast. 700 range.
► The pistol in the right hand is effective against multiple targets, but what can you do to keep the bloodthirsty hordes at bay? This skill expands an area of ​​glue on the terrain. Enemies are stuck without taking any damage, but you have a few seconds to attack safely.
Can be used in the left hand.
Magnetic shield: You set up a magnetic field that returns the projectiles. â–¬ 3s of projectile deflection â–¬ 30s of reload. 3s cast. Spell on yourself.
â–ş Sometimes the best defense is offense. This skill magnetically charges your shield to deflect ranged attacks for 3 seconds. Select the shield again to release the charge to throw at the enemies.
Magnetic inversion : Release the magnetic field to repel nearby enemies, low damage. â–¬ Regrowth
enemies within 300 range. Spell on yourself.
Explosion combo
Explosion combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Confers power to the allies.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Static shield: You electrify your shield and block the next attack by stunning the enemy that attacked you â–¬ 3s block or until you get hit. In this case, the enemy attacking you is stunned.
2s. â–¬ 40s cooldown. 1s 1/2 cast. Spell on yourself.
â–ş When the going gets tough, engineers electrify their shields. The next enemy that hits you will be stunned!
Shield Throw: Throw your charged shield, moderate damage â–¬ Also inflicts stupor
(1s) to enemies hit. 900 range.
Projectile combo
Projectile combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds alterations to attack.
Arcane: Adds confusion to attack.
Fire: Adds burn to attack.
Ice: Adds freezing to attack.
Light: Removes alterations to the allies.
Lightning: Adds vulnerability to attacks.
Poison: Adds poison to attacks.
Smoke: Blinded target
Water: Heals allies attacking the target.
Can be used with both hands.
Rush shot: You fire a rapid shot that pierces the target ▬ Hit all targets within a 1000 range line because the shots are piercing, high damage ▬ Damage + 120 area of ​​effect around the hit target ▬ No cooldown. 3/4 s cast. 1000 range.
â–ş Rush Fire is the basic automatic rifle attack. This skill's attacks pierce targets, allowing you to damage an entire line of enemies as long as they are lined up facing your character. Keep away from enemies by continuing to shoot so that they follow you in a straight line.
Projectile combo
Projectile combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds alterations to attack.
Arcane: Adds confusion to attack.
Fire: Adds burn to attack.
Ice: Adds freezing to attack.
Light: Removes alterations to the allies.
Lightning: Adds vulnerability to attacks.
Poison: Adds poison to attacks.
Smoke: Blinded target
Water: Heals allies attacking the target.
Net shooting : Immobilize enemies with net fire â–¬ Immobilize
for 2 1/2 s the target. â–¬ 8s cooldown. 1000 range
â–ş This shot launches a net enveloping a single enemy. While it doesn't do any damage, you can take the opportunity to deal it a few hits or take cover while it tries to break free. Take advantage of the short recharge time!
Blunderbuss: Shooting a cloud of shrapnel dealing more damage to nearby enemies, high damage from 100 to 400 range / very high damage from 0 to 100 range â–¬ Also applies bleeding
low between 100 and 400 range / Applies bleeding
x4 important between 0 and 100 range. â–¬ 8s cooldown. 1/2 sec cast. 400 range.
â–ş Fire a salvo of buckshot at your enemies! Due to the scatter effect, enemies near you receive more damage. Let your target get closer, then chain the tromblon with a combo of Overloaded shot and Net shooting to give you time to get into a longer range. Don't keep this skill in reserve: its cooldown is pleasantly short.
Overloaded shot: Causes a shot so powerful that it knocks you and your enemy back, high damage â–¬ You negate the frost effect
and immobilization
on yourself. You are thrown 300 back, your enemy is thrown 450 from the other direction. â–¬ 12s cooldown. 400 range.
â–ş You can overload your rifle with a powerful shot to push back your enemies and propel yourself away from them. Followed by Net shooting, it can give you precious space and time. Pay attention to your surroundings: if knocking an enemy off a cliff or at the hands of an ally is interesting, throwing yourself up a wall or down a cliff won't do you any good.
Jump shot : You shoot on the ground in order to hurt nearby enemies before pouncing on your target, high damage leap / very high damage landing â–¬ Also applies vulnerability
x3 (8 1/2 s) + 120 ▬ 16 s cooldown area of ​​effect. 1/4 s cast. 700 range
â–ş This high damage attack is a lot of fun to use. Throwing an explosion towards the ground propels you up into the air, and upon landing, you make the ground shake. There are two main strategies for this skill: the first is to aim for your feet. You deal damage by taking off and landing, so the combination of the two punishes any enemies caught in the blasts. The second method is to use it to increase your mobility: if you find yourself surrounded, pick a point a good distance away and fight your way out of danger by dealing damage as a farewell gift. Note that the explosion combo occurs at leap and landing.
Jump combo
Jump combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Grants a fire shield burning enemies attacking you.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Harpoon Gun
Can be used with both hands underwater.
Self-guided torpedo: A shot that goes towards your enemy, moderate damage â–¬ radius of effect on the target of 120 â–¬ No cooldown. 1200 range
â–ş Basic but effective spell. Magma Orb deals regular damage whenever you need it and it's a good choice.
Projectile Combo (20% chance)
Projectile combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds alterations to attack.
Arcane: Adds confusion to attack.
Fire: Adds burn to attack.
Ice: Adds freezing to attack.
Light: Removes alterations to the allies.
Lightning: Adds vulnerability to attacks.
Poison: Adds poison to attacks.
Smoke: Blinded target
Water: Heals allies attacking the target.
Mines and dispersion: Throws a volley of delayed mines, very high damage â–¬ Applied vulnerability
x2 (6s) â–¬ 9s 1/2 cooldown. 1/4 s cast. 1000 range
â–ş Use Lava chains immediately afterwards to maximize the damage. The damage of the attack is decent, and the visual effect of the spell is stunning!
Explosion of mines: Prematurely detonate your mines.
Grapple retreating: You retreat while throwing a grab line which then brings the enemy closer to you, low damage â–¬ You retreat 480 and bring the target within 600 of you. â–¬ 14s 1/2 of recharge. 1/2 of incantation. 1000 range
â–ş Your survival in underwater combat often depends on your ability to stay mobile and keep enemies at bay. With this skill, you can pull a line behind you and pull yourself back. Thus, you quickly place yourself out of reach of your enemies, leaving yourself a vital space to attack. Once off, you tow your enemy to your new position. The grappling hook is particularly useful if you want to isolate an enemy or even move them away from a struggling ally.
Projectile combo
Projectile combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds alterations to attack.
Arcane: Adds confusion to attack.
Fire: Adds burn to attack.
Ice: Adds freezing to attack.
Light: Removes alterations to the allies.
Lightning: Adds vulnerability to attacks.
Poison: Adds poison to attacks.
Smoke: Blinded target
Water: Heals allies attacking the target.
Delayed charge: Fires a delayed charge at your enemy that damages nearby targets by exploding, high damage â–¬ 3s before detonating. Apply bleeding
x3 (8s 1/2) + 180 ▬ 14s 1/2 cooldown area of ​​effect. 1/4 s cast. 1000 range
► With this skill, you plant a harpoon with an explosive charge, which is triggered seconds later to deal damage to nearby enemies. The delayed area of ​​effect helps you space out damage and saves you from too much attention in a group situation.
Projectile combo
Projectile combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds alterations to attack.
Arcane: Adds confusion to attack.
Fire: Adds burn to attack.
Ice: Adds freezing to attack.
Light: Removes alterations to the allies.
Lightning: Adds vulnerability to attacks.
Poison: Adds poison to attacks.
Smoke: Blinded target
Water: Heals allies attacking the target.
Rope net: Pulling a rope net. â–¬ When deploying, your targets hitting the net are immobilized
for 3s 1/2. â–¬ 20s cooldown. 1/4 s cast. 1000 range
â–ş The harpoon gun launches a net that stretches in front of you to capture your enemies. Use this skill at the start of a fight to trap an entire group of enemies. You can chain together with mines to deal high damage to your defenseless enemies.
Projectile combo
Projectile combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds alterations to attack.
Arcane: Adds confusion to attack.
Fire: Adds burn to attack.
Ice: Adds freezing to attack.
Light: Removes alterations to the allies.
Lightning: Adds vulnerability to attacks.
Poison: Adds poison to attacks.
Smoke: Blinded target
Water: Heals allies attacking the target.
Deployment of a rope net: Deploys the net prematurely.
You will use your mimines to get out of the mess you got yourself into: p
Littering: Throw a handful of garbage and inflict a random condition (Among Bleeding
and weakness
) to your enemy for 3 seconds, very low damage â–¬ No cooldown.
â–ş In a desperate situation, you grab whatever you have on hand. You end up taking all the spare parts with you. The ailments inflicted by your attacks do more to increase your Survival Skill than your DPS.
Entry line: Launch a grappling hook that pulls the enemy towards you, no damage â–¬ 10s cooldown.
â–ş Engineers usually like to keep danger at bay, but things change when they're down. The Grip Line is used to pull enemies towards your character. By pulling the enemy towards you, you make them an easy target and can quickly catch your breath. Close combat also implies that the enemy is within range of your attack.booby trap. You don't have a lot of time in your current state, so you need to deal as much damage as possible.
Trapped object: Place a trapped object next to you, on the ground, which explodes quickly, very high damage â–¬ 20s cooldown.
â–ş Engineers always have more than one trick up their sleeve. Just when your enemies think they have the upper hand, throw an Explosive Trap to
injure multiple targets nearby. Use this option when there are a lot of enemies around you and you don't have time to target a particular one to knock them down. Use the attack as soon as it finishes its cooldown to be able to take advantage of its considerable power.
Bandage: Like all professions, allows you to heal yourself
â–ş Although the most common way to get up when you're down is to kill an enemy, sometimes there isn't one within range or you don't want to attract more attention. Activate and channel the bandage skill to heal yourself gradually until you are able to resume the fight. If an enemy hits you, the action will be interrupted and you will have to wait for the cooldown before trying again.
This is the "Ashore" function underwater.
Floating mine: Deploys an explosive mine, low damage ▬ Area of ​​Effect ▬ No cooldown.
â–ş This skill throws a mine into the water that explodes weakly, but causes acceptable damage. That's all engineers have to hurt their enemies when they're drowning, so it's up to you to see if you want to use it!
Anchor: Attack an anchor at the foot of your enemy dragging them underwater
for 3s, very low damage â–¬ 10s cooldown.
â–ş Neutralize an isolated enemy by weighting it. While this damage is laughable, it's a good way to keep particularly powerful enemies from dealing damage to you while you're drowning. Use theanchor before going for a swim to the surface if you plan to escape in this manner.
Buoy: Deploy a buoy lifting you up
quickly to the surface â–¬ 15s cooldown.
â–ş The buoy allows you to quickly evacuate to the surface of the water. Anchor your most dangerous enemy, then get out of there as fast as you can.
Bandage: Like all professions, allows you to heal yourself
â–ş This is the same as the terrestrial version of the dressing. Use it to improve your character's health. If your bar is fully recharged, your character will recover, even without killing a target.
Other abilities
In addition to all of these weapon skills, you have healing skills (3), utility skills (20), and elite skills (3); which gives us 26 additional skills to select. Depending on your race, you will have some pretty useful extra skills that you can choose to add or not to your extra skill bar; but that is not the subject (Surely later?).
As described in our article on skill bars, you will only be able to choosea skill of care, three utility skills et elite skill. If you do not have three utility skills and / or elite skill, your level is not sufficient, see our article on skill bars.
The skills that we will study below are purchasable against skill points which you can earn in various ways:
- At the rate of one skill point per level crossed ;
- By passing the skills challenges offered by Tyria. Kill a veteran, drink a potion, challenge the skill NPC.
It exists 3 levels of utility skills where you have to buy 5 skills from tier 1 to go to 2 and also buy 5 skills from tier 2 to go to 3.
It also exists 2 levels of elite skills where you need to buy 2 skills from tier 1 to advance to tier 2.
For all healing and utility skills, the engineer has an additional spell located on the belt. Belt spells depend on your equipped healing spell as well as your 3 equipped utility skills. Choose them well! I will add "[CoC]"to name the"Belt Skills".
So let's take a look at these different skills.
- Elixir
- Hardware kit
- Turret
Elixir H : You are cared for
and randomly benefit from one of these 3 benefits. â–¬ Protection
5s or Regeneration
10s or Fast
10s â–¬ 25s cooldown. 1s cast.
â–ş Elixir H is the engineer's default healing skill. It's perfect for those times when you don't know what to expect. The cooldown is short, so it is effective in keeping a high level of health. Solo players like it because it has the most powerful healing and all of its perks are great. With Elixir H, you can't go wrong.
Cast of elixir H: [CoC] Throw Elixir H and randomly grant one of these 3 benefits. Also applies to allies. â–¬ Protection
5s or Regeneration
10s or Vigor
10s + 240 ▬ 30s cooldown area of ​​effect. 1 / 2s cast. 900 range.
Medical kit : You equip yourself with a care kit.
â–ş Use this skill to equip yourself with a medical kit. Your normal weapon skills are replaced with the ability to drop dressings that heal and grant boons. Allies can pick up the kits by walking on them. In addition to the health restoration functions, you can remove ailments or provide some very nice perks: Fury and Speed. Use this healing skill when your primary goal is group healing.
Bandage: [CoC], care
moderate. â–¬ 20s cooldown.
Bandage throw: Skills 1, 2 and 3, care
low â–¬ 12s cooldown. To throw on the ground.
Throw of antidote: Skill 4. Flask that dispels all conditions. â–¬ 15s cooldown. To throw on the ground.
Stimulants stream: Skill 5. Grants Fury
(10s) and Speed
(10s) â–¬ 20s cooldown. To throw on the ground.
Healing turret : Heals you
and grants Regeneration
(8s) every 7s ▬ 480 area of ​​effect ▬ 20s cooldown. 1/2 sec cast.
â–ş This skill sets up a turret that releases a healing mist. It is most effective with groups or escorts who stay in one place. It is also very useful in situations where you need healing for a certain length of time (for example, when fighting enemies that use damage conditions that last long, such as Bleed). Use it again to rid your party of ailments. Her belt skill is self-destruct, which removes the turret.
Cleaning mist: Grants a healing boost
direct to area of ​​effect ▬ 480 area of ​​effect 60s cooldown. 1/4 s cast.
Regenerating mist: [CoC] Heals all ailments and boosts Regeneration
by applying 2 additional stacks ▬ 480 area of ​​effect ▬ 60s cooldown. 1/4 s cast.
â–˛ Water zone
Detonation: [CoC] Explode your turret, dealing damage to nearby enemies. Very practical if you use the Regenerating mist just before thanks to Water Zone + Explosion combo = Healing !
Explosion combo
Explosion combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Confers power to the allies.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
- Weapon kit
- Hardware kit
- Elixirs
- Gadgets
- Tourelles
Flamethrower : You equip yourself with a flamethrower.
â–ş Take this kit to set it on fire! The wide range of skills you gain with this kit make it useful in any situation. The flamethrower is especially good when you are part of a fast moving group in battles against multiple enemies. The secondary skill, Incendiary ammunition, is to be used without moderation since it improves all weapons.
Incendiary ammunition : [CoC] Belt skill. Burns
(3s 1/2) your enemies for your next 3 attacks. â–¬ 60s cooldown.
Flame geyser : Spits fire in a cone area and burns
(1s 1/4). 5 attacks per second therefore 10 blows given in Full hit, high damage â–¬ Range of 425. No cooldown. 2s 1/4 cast.
Explosion of flames : You throw a sphere of Napalm which explodes at the end of the race, damage high (Hit) to very high (Caught in the explosion at 600 range) â–¬ Inflicts damage on enemies hit and on the explosion + Zone of 240 â–¬ 600 range effect. 6s recharge. 1/2 sec cast.
Air explosion : Knocks back enemies from 400 to 300 range. 15s recharge
Napalm : You burn the targeted area. leap on your enemy with a flaming attack â–¬ Lasts 10s. Causes Burn
(Every 1s 1/4) â–¬ 600 range. 30s cooldown
â–˛ Combo: Fire Zone
Smoke blower : Triggers a blinding smoke
(6s). ▬ 180 area of ​​effect ▬ 425 range. 20s cooldown. 2s 1/4 cast.
Elixir pistol : You equip yourself with an elixir gun.
► This kit is a concentrate of utility skills for your group. Equip them to neutralize enemies and boost your allies. The secondary skill is a healing that covers a small area of ​​effect close to the caster, available even if you are not equipped with the kit. Your damage isn't as high as that of other kits, but you'll definitely tip the scales in your party's favor.
Gas capsules : [CoC] Diffuses a soothing mist that applies Regeneration
on your allies and yourself. â–¬ 240 range. 40s recharge.
Elixir dart : Fire a dart inflicting Weakness
(2s 1/2) and Vulnerability
(2s 1/2) to the opponent. â–¬ 1200 range. No cooldown. 3/4 s cast.
Projectile Combo (20% chance)
Projectile combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds alterations to attack.
Arcane: Adds confusion to attack.
Fire: Adds burn to attack.
Ice: Adds freezing to attack.
Light: Removes alterations to the allies.
Lightning: Adds vulnerability to attacks.
Poison: Adds poison to attacks.
Smoke: Blinded target
Water: Heals allies attacking the target.
Elixir F : Throws a concentrated Elixir F that ricochets between targets, applies Cripplement
(6s) to enemies and Speed
(5s) to allies, moderate damage. â–¬ 1200 range. 5s recharge. 3/4 s cast.
Fumigation : Fires a cone of elixir vapor for 2s1 / 4 that poisons enemies and removes ailments from allies, low to high damage depending on time spent in Fumigation. â–¬ Poison wall lamp
x5 and Vulnerability
x5 to enemies in the Fumigation Cone. â–¬ 450 range. 12s recharge. 2s 1/4 cast.
Acid bombs : Jump backwards detonating an acid bomb that lasts 5s, causing damage to enemies that hit it, moderate damage. ▬ 180 ▬ 15s cooldown area of ​​effect. 1/4 s cast.
Super elixir : Shoots a healing elixir orb
your allies on impact and erect an area of ​​progressive healing over 10s ▬ 1200 range. 20s recharge. 1/2 sec cast.
Tool kit : You equip yourself with a tool kit.
► The Tool Kit is a unique weapon kit that gives you a fun change of pace in both PvE and PvP. It allows you to acquire a melee skill set rather than ranged attacks. In fact, the only ranged attack is a secondary ability, Discard the Adjustable Wrench. This changes your strategy from “keeping everyone away” to “pulling everyone in” Use the Magnet to pull enemies in and pull them in. Box of nails to prevent them from escaping. If the enemy charges in a big attack, he can be blocked with Integrated shield or interrupted by Crowbar.
Thrown adjustable wrench : [CoC] The boomerang throw destroys the enemy at the target and on returning, high damage. â–¬ Back and forth strike, heals your turrets if you hit them. â–¬ 900 range. 20s recharge. 1/2 sec cast.
Projectile combo
Projectile combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds alterations to attack.
Arcane: Adds confusion to attack.
Fire: Adds burn to attack.
Ice: Adds freezing to attack.
Light: Removes alterations to the allies.
Lightning: Adds vulnerability to attacks.
Poison: Adds poison to attacks.
Smoke: Blinded target
Water: Heals allies attacking the target.
Slap : Flatten your enemy, moderate damage â–¬ Apply Vulnerability
(7s 1/4) and heals your turrets â–¬ 130 range. No recharge time
Box of nails : You spread spikes that inflict Cripplement and Bleeding. â–¬ Lasts 4s and applies Disability
(2s 1/2) and Bleeding
(2s 1/2) â–¬ 240 range. 10s recharge. 1s cast.
Crowbar : Project
the enemy with a doe kick, high damage. â–¬ Confusion wall lamp
x3 (4s 3/4) â–¬ 130 range. 15s recharge. 1/2 sec cast.
Integrated shield : Block attacks. â–¬ 20s cooldown. 3s cast.
Magnet : [CoC] Draws the target towards you. â–¬ 1200 range. 25s recharge. 1s 1/4 cast.
Grenade Kit : You equip yourself with a grenade kit.
Pomegranate barrage : [CoC] Throw 6 grenades at a time, moderate damage ▬ 150 area of ​​effect ▬ 1200 range. 30s recharge. 1/2 sec cast.
Grenada : Throws two grenades at a time that explode, moderate damage ▬ 150 area of ​​effect ▬ 1200 range. No cooldown. 1 / 2s cast.
Shrapnel grenade : Throws two grenades at a time which explode while fragmenting, moderate damage â–¬ Apply Bleed
(14s 1/2) + Area of ​​effect 150 ▬ 1200 range. 5s recharge. 1 / 2s cast.
Flash grenade : Throws two dazzling grenades. â–¬ Blind Applique
(6s) + Area of ​​effect 150 ▬ 1200 range. 10s recharge. 1 / 2s cast.
Frost Grenade : Throws two grenades at a time that inflict frost on the enemy, moderate damage â–¬ Apply Frost
(2s 1/2) + Area of ​​effect 150 ▬ 1200 range. 20s recharge. 1 / 2s cast.
Poisonous grenade : Throws two grenades at a time which creates two clouds of poison. â–¬ Poison wall lamp
(6s) + Area of ​​effect 150 ▬ 1200 range. 25s recharge. 1 / 2s cast.
â–˛ Combo: Poison Zone
Pumps kit : You equip yourself with a bomb kit.
Mastoc bomb : [CoC] Drop a time bomb (3s) on the ground, high damage â–¬ Repel
enemies of 400 + Area of ​​effect of 300 ▬ Spell on yourself. 30s recharge. 1 / 2s cast.
Explosion combo
Explosion combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Confers power to the allies.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Bomb : Plant a bomb on the ground, moderate damage ▬ 120 area of ​​effect ▬ Spell on yourself. No cooldown. 1 / 2s cast.
Fire bomb : Place a bomb on the ground, low damage â–¬ Apply Scorch
(2s 1/2) + Area of ​​effect of 120 for 3s ▬ Spell on yourself. 10s recharge. 1 / 2s cast.
â–˛ Combo: Fire Zone
Concussion bomb : Place a bomb on the ground, moderate damage â–¬ Apply Confusion
x5 (6s) + 180 ▬ Area of ​​Effect Spells on yourself. 18s recharge. 1 / 2s cast.
Smoke bomb : Drop a bomb on the ground, blinding enemies and creating an area of ​​smoke, moderate damage ▬ Apply Blind
x3 (3s 1/2) + 240 ▬ Area of ​​Effect Spells out on yourself. 25s recharge. 1 / 2s cast.
â–˛ Combo: Smoke Zone
Glue bombs : Place a bomb on the ground, moderate damage â–¬ Immobilize
(1s 1/4) enemies then inflicts infirmity
(1s 1/4) to those remaining within 3s of sticky bomb. + 240 ▬ Area of ​​Effect Spells out on yourself. 25s recharge. 1 / 2s cast.
Elixir B : You drink a B elixir. â–¬ You gain Fury
(10s), Power
(30s), Retaliation
(10s) and Speed
(10s). â–¬ Spell on yourself. 40s recharge. 1 / 2s cast.
â–ş This elixir improves your Power, Accuracy and running speed while also granting you Retaliation, all in one dose. This effect also increases your chance to critically hit monsters as well as the total damage done with each attack. You will not regret choosing it.
Launched elixir B : [CoC] You throw a B elixir. ▬ Players including you in the area of ​​effect gain Fury
(10s) or Power
(30s) or Retaliation
(10s) or Speed
(10s) + Area of ​​effect 180 ▬ 900 range. 20s recharge. 1 / 2s cast.
Elixir U : You drink a U elixir. â–¬ You gain Celerity
(5s) + randomly one of these three effects: Haste (5s, endurance regeneration stopped), Frenzy (5s, you take 50% more damage), Zephyr (5s, you cannot be healed) â–¬ Spell on you -even. 60s recharge. 1 / 2s cast.
â–ş This elixir greatly improves your speed of action, halving the casting time of all your spells. You have a 3 in 2 chance of receiving the Frenzy boosting your armor bonus. The remaining 3 out of XNUMX chances granting you a penalty.
Launched U elixir : [CoC] You cast a U elixir. â–¬ Can create one of the following three spells: â–ş Sail, lasts 8s and gives stealth
for 3s to players entering the veil area | â–ş Smoke screen, lasts 7s and blind
(1s) enemies inside the smoke screen. Also blocks enemy fire | ► Wall of reflection, lasts 10s and reflects all enemy fire + Area of ​​effect from 180 to 900 range. 60s recharge. 1 / 2s cast.
â–˛ Combo for Sailing: Zone of Light
â–˛ Combo for Reflection Wall: Zone of Light
Elixir S : You drink an S elixir. â–¬ Make you smaller and dodge attacks for 3s. You cannot attack during this time. â–¬ Spell on yourself. 60s recharge.
â–ş This elixir is suitable for survival in PvP. If you find yourself surrounded and low on health, use it to stop the damage there. At your new height, you are freed from the effects of crowd control, but you are too small to harm others until you return to your normal size. Use the Throwing Elixir secondary skill at allies to protect them from Stun, Knockdown, and Throw. Sometimes a victory in PvP is achieved simply by staying on your feet longer than the other team.
â–˛ Spell breaker (against immobilization, stupor, knockdown, stun ... Control spells in general)
Launched from elixir S : [CoC] You cast a U elixir. â–¬ Can create one of the following two effects: â–ş stealth, lasts 4s and gives stealth
to players who were in the area of ​​effect | ► Stability, lasts 4s and stabilizes you
(4s). You will not be able to undergo crowd control. + Area of ​​effect 180 ▬ 900 range. 60s recharge. 1 / 2s cast.
Elixir C : You drink a C elixir. â–¬ All your ailments will be turned into random perks. Lasts 5s if you have no condition on you, the next condition will be transformed. â–¬ Spell on yourself. 40s recharge. 1 / 2s cast.
â–ş Take the enemy at his own game thanks to theElixir C : just when he thinks he has weakened you, on the contrary, you become stronger than ever. Throw the elixir for the same effect on your allies. This skill is particularly useful in PvP where ailments are frequent.
Launched Elixir C : [CoC] You cast a C elixir. ▬ A condition will turn into a random advantage. If the targets have no condition (s) on them, they are still given a random boon + Area of ​​effect of 180 ▬ 900 range. 30s recharge. 1 / 2s cast.
Elixir R : You drink a U elixir. â–¬ Cancels stun and replenishes your stamina â–¬ Spells on yourself. 45s recharge.
â–ş Useful if you are subject to a crowd control spell. You can, moreover, perform 4 dodges in a row instead of 2 thanks to the reconstitution of endurance.
â–˛ Spell breaker (against immobilization, stupor, knockdown, stun ... Control spells in general)
Thrown elixir R : [CoC] You cast a U elixir. â–¬ Heals
allies down for 6s at 20% of their health every second and removes a condition at the start of the effect + 180 1200 area of ​​effect range. 1200s recharge. 1 / 2s cast.
â–˛ Combo: Zone of Light
Service glasses : You put on your service glasses â–¬ Confers Fury
(10s) and immunity to blindness for 10s. â–¬ Spell on yourself. 40s recharge.
â–˛ Spell breaker (against immobilization, stupor, knockdown, stun ... Control spells in general)
â–ş If you like your critical hits, this is a good choice of skill. Your critical chance and your protection against Blindness are improved and greatly increase your damage during the duration of the skill. You can get an even better result by using the skill analysis . Together, they improve any other weapon or skill used.
analysis : [CoC] You scan your enemy for all their loopholes â–¬ Apply Vulnerability
x10 (9s 1/2) to enemy â–¬ 1200 range. 40s recharge.
Radio controlled mine : Throw a mine at the target location that deals damage, pushes back and takes away a boon from an enemy, moderate damage â–¬ Push back
enemy 300 + Area of ​​effect 180 + Cannot be blocked ▬ 900 range. 18s recharge. 1/2 sec cast.
â–ş This gadget skill throws a mine. When it lands, the mine will explode if enemies are nearby and deal modest damage to all nearby targets. Enemies hit are knocked back, and each of them loses a single advantage (if any). Mine Throw is great for dealing disturbance, although its direct damage is only acceptable. Use it to distract, delay, or debuff enemies.
Explosion combo
Explosion combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Confers power to the allies.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Detonation : trigger the radio-controlled mine.
Minefield : [CoC] Drop 5 360 range mines randomly around you. Mines can stay for 1 minute, moderate damage for each mine. â–¬ Areas of effect of each mine with 180 â–¬ 360 range. 20s recharge. 2s cast.
Detonation : trigger your minefield.
Rocket Boots : In an explosion, throws you back â–¬ Throws you 900 back. â–¬ Spell on yourself. 30s recharge.
â–˛ Spell breaker (against immobilization, stupor, knockdown, stun ... Control spells in general)
â–ş Reserve an unpleasant surprise for melee attackers. If your playstyle requires you to put distance between yourself and your enemies, this skill is perfect for sending you even further than Overloaded Shot. Start by using the Explosive Kick secondary skill, then use the boots to interrupt Stuns and escape. As you fly, deal high damage and Burn. Arm yourself with a rifle to inflict perfect frustration on your target with your ranged hold skill.
Explosion combo
Explosion combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Confers power to the allies.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Explosive kick : [CoC] You flip forward in order to land a violent blow from the rocket boots, moderate damage aut Jump 300 forward. The damage lies mainly in the Burn
very high â–¬ 300 range. 20s recharge. 1/2 sec cast.
Personal Aries : Throws your enemy using a hidden ram's head, moderate damage â–¬ Push back
your enemy from 450 to 180 range. 45s recharge. 1/4 s cast.
â–ş If you find the opponent a little too enterprising, add this skill to your skills. While you don't need to reposition your enemies, they can't attack if they're in flight. You can throw enemies an impressive distance to clear the air around you. If your targets are ranged, use the secondary attack to throw the ram's head and knock them down. In short, a very practical skill in many ways.
analysis : [CoC] Shoot your ram's head far ahead, moderate damage Ă©galement Also apply Cripple
(6s) â–¬ 900 range. 25s recharge. 1/4 s cast.
Slippery shoes : Spreads oil behind you which knocks down enemies. Underwater, it's a blinding puddle. â–¬ Knock down
your enemies for 2s. Underwater the enemy is blinded
(6s). The puddle lasts 1s â–¬ Spell on yourself. 60s recharge.
â–ş Use this original gadget to kite your enemy or to escape from combat. Its primary use is for solo PvE or survival PvP. Enemies walking on oil make a fun slide and fall. If you fight underwater, the oil blinds enemies for a short time. Use the Slippery Shoes secondary ability to gain a speed boost to escape encounters or advanced kiting.
Super speed : [CoC] You double your running speed. â–¬ Spell on yourself. 45s recharge.
You will only be able to place one and the same type of turret at a time.
Machine gun turret : Deploy a machine gun turret â–¬ Fire every 2s â–¬ 1000 range. 20s recharge. 1/2 sec cast.
â–ş This skill is incredibly efficient relative to its skill point cost and will likely be one of your top choices. When placed, Machine Gun Turret shoots and deals low to medium damage to all aggressive enemies and destroys buildings. When activated, you have the option to upgrade her with Auto Fire to dramatically increase her damage for a short time. Like all turrets, its secondary skill is to detonate itself, which damages all enemies nearby. Placing turrets allows you to deal more damage without drawing attention to yourself. Many tasks require monitoring or controlling a large territory: with turrets, you inflict damage from a distance and in multiple directions.
Automatic shooting: Upgrade Machine Gun Turret â–¬ Fire every second for 5 seconds then return to normal. Every shot makes it bleed
the target for 3s â–¬ 30s cooldown.
Surprise shot: [CdC when turret not installed] Grants a healing boost
direct to area of ​​effect, moderate damage ▬ 480 1000 range area of ​​effect. 60s recharge. 1/2 sec cast.
Projectile combo
Projectile combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds alterations to attack.
Arcane: Adds confusion to attack.
Fire: Adds burn to attack.
Ice: Adds freezing to attack.
Light: Removes alterations to the allies.
Lightning: Adds vulnerability to attacks.
Poison: Adds poison to attacks.
Smoke: Blinded target
Water: Heals allies attacking the target.
Detonation: [CoC] Explode your turret, dealing damage to nearby enemies.
Explosion combo
Explosion combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Confers power to the allies.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Flamethrower turret : Deploy a flamethrower turret, moderate damage â–¬ Apply Scorch
(2s) + Area of ​​effect from 450 to 450 range. 40s recharge. 1/2 sec cast.
â–ş This turret works a bit like Machine gun turret except that instead of projectiles, it fires a cone of flame. The advantage of fire is that it can strike multiple enemies and inflict Burn on all of them. When activated, you have the option to upgrade it by causing it to emit smoke that blinds enemies. The turret does enough damage that you can either attract the attention of the enemy or use the smoke to protect yourself. Like all turrets, its secondary skill is to detonate itself, which affects all enemies nearby. Place Flamethrower turret near other turrets so that they can support each other and create a zone of destruction.
Smoke screen: Deploy a smoke screen for 6s â–¬ Apply Blind
(6s) to enemies caught in the screen + 450 ▬ 30s area of ​​effect cooldown. 1/4 s cast.
â–˛ Combo: Smoke Zone
Jet de napalm: [CdC when turret not installed] Throws a ball of napalm that explodes on impact, moderate damage â–¬ Burns
(3s 1/2) enemies in the area of ​​effect from 180 ▬ 900 range. 60s recharge. 1/2 sec cast.
Detonation: [CoC] Explode your turret, dealing damage to nearby enemies. Very practical if you use theSmoke screen just before thanks to Smoke Zone + Explosion combo = Stealth !
Explosion combo
Explosion combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Confers power to the allies.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Net launcher : Deploy a net-throwing turret â–¬ 1 shot every 10s, Immobilize
the target for 3s â–¬ 600 range. 30s recharge. 1/2 sec cast.
â–ş Although it does not throw as much as other turrets, the net launcher has its uses. If your playstyle focuses on turrets, additional crowd control can keep enemies out of capture areas or within close range. Choose this skill again to upgrade the turret and launch a electric net that stuns the target. Use the secondary skill to detonate the turret when you're done with it.
Electric net: Upgrade the Net Turret, moderate damage â–¬ Perform 2 shots in 10s instead of XNUMX then return to normal. Knock out
for 2s in addition to Immobilization
from 3s to 30s cooldown. 1/2 sec cast.
Attack net: [CdC when turret not installed] Throw an attack net at your enemy â–¬ Immobilize
your enemy for 3s â–¬ 600 range. 60s recharge. 1/2 sec cast.
Detonation: [CoC] Explode your turret, dealing damage to nearby enemies.
Explosion combo
Explosion combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Confers power to the allies.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Seismic turret : Deploy a seismic turret, moderate damage ▬ triggers every 3s + 240 ▬ 50s area of ​​effect cooldown. 1/2 sec cast.
â–ş This turret makes the ground tremble ... And your opponents with it. It is very useful when you know the enemy is going to stand in a certain location. The scope of
the seismic turret is limited to a minimal area of ​​effect, so improper placement can render it useless. It's best to place it where your enemy needs to go through a door or arch, interact with an object, or fight you in melee. In PvE, she can concentrate aggro and be used as a tank for you and other turrets. In PvP, a little more subtlety is in order: it serves mainly as an obstacle that complicates enemy movement and inflicts damage. Once the turret is placed, activate it again (Heavy Blow) to propel enemies away. Its secondary skill is to self-destruct. Use it to deal damage in a last stand, or to remove it to place it in a better location.
Violent blow: Overloads the turret that hits the ground hard, high damage ▬ 240 Area of ​​Effect and Throws
enemies in the area 400 farther away â–¬ 30s cooldown. 1/4 s cast.
Seismic: [CdC when turret not installed] Shake the ground, moderate damage ▬ 240 area of ​​effect ▬ Spell on yourself. 90s recharge. 1/2 sec cast.
Explosion combo
Explosion combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Confers power to the allies.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Detonation: [CoC] Explode your turret, dealing damage to nearby enemies. So prepare a water zone before launching Seismic + Detonation and feel like double healing !
Explosion combo
Explosion combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Confers power to the allies.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Rocket turret : You deploy a rocket turret, high damage â–¬ One shot every 4s applying a Burn
(3s) high + Area of ​​effect on rocket explosion from 240 ▬ 1200 range. 60s recharge. 1/2 sec cast.
â–ş One of the most powerful turrets available. This skill is useful in a wide variety of situations. Each rocket it fires deals high damage with Scorching. The active skill of the turret (Explosive rockets) provides a sudden burst of damage, useful against grouped enemies or powerful individual targets. A must-have for a turret player!
Explosive rockets: Your rockets become explosive for 7s, very high damage â–¬ Same thing but knock out
enemies hit for 2s with each shot â–¬ 20s cooldown. 1/2 sec cast.
Arugula: [CdC when turret not installed] Fire a rocket at your target, moderate damage ▬ 240 area of ​​effect on explosion ▬ 1200 range. 60s recharge. 1/4 s cast.
Detonation: [CoC] Explode your turret, dealing damage to nearby enemies.
Explosion combo
Explosion combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Confers power to the allies.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
- Elixir
- Hardware kit
- Turret
Elixir X : You drink Elixir X and turn into Brute unleashed or Furious tornado. Underwater you become a Scourge of withering or a Tourbillon â–¬ Transformations to see below â–¬ 120s cooldown. 1s cast.
â–ş Like many of your gadget kits, this elixir will replace your weapon skills, but it will also block the use of your other skills when active. This means that you cannot let the power go to your head because you do not have the ability to self-heal when the elixir is active. Don't be afraid of crowd control abilities when you drink theElixir X. Each formula gives you stability, which protects you from movement and from alterations that hinder movement.
- Unleashed Brute: 20s of transformation. You gain Stability
and your potency (+), toughness (++), vitality (++), attack (+), armor (++), and health (++) are increased.
Crush: Hit your enemy, high damage. 130 range. No reload time.
Kick : Kick your enemy hard, moderate damage. Push him back to 300
. 130 range. 6s recharge. 1/2 sec cast.
Rush: Jump on your enemy, moderate damage. 1000 range. 8s recharge. 3/4 s cast.
Rock throw: Hit your enemy, moderate damage. 900 range. 12s recharge. 1s cast.
Trampling: You violently jump on the ground, sending enemies into the air, high damage. 240 range. 15s recharge. 3/4 s cast.
â–ş Rush, jump combo
Jump combo
Jump combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Grants a fire shield burning enemies attacking you.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
â–ş Rock throwingprojectile combo
Projectile combo
Projectile combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds alterations to attack.
Arcane: Adds confusion to attack.
Fire: Adds burn to attack.
Ice: Adds freezing to attack.
Light: Removes alterations to the allies.
Lightning: Adds vulnerability to attacks.
Poison: Adds poison to attacks.
Smoke: Blinded target
Water: Heals allies attacking the target.
â–ş Tramplingexplosion combo
Explosion combo
Explosion combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Confers power to the allies.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
- Furious Tornado: 15s of transformation. You gain Stability
and your Potency (++), Accuracy (+), Vitality (+), Attack (++),% Critical Hit (++), and Health (+) are increased. Enemies within 240 range are knocked out
in the air.
Electric tornado: You send lightning in all directions, moderate damage (++). 240 range.
Dust tornado: You send dust all over the place, moderate and indiscriminate damage
your 6s targets around you. 240 range.
Debris tornado: You send debris and stones in all directions, moderate damage and regrowth
your targets of 120 around you. 240 range.
Whirlpool combo
Whirlpool combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Sends projectiles that inflict Theft of life to nearby enemies.
Arcane: Sends projectiles that inflict confusion to nearby enemies.
Fire: Sends projectiles that inflict burn to nearby enemies.
Ice: Sends projectiles that inflict frosted to nearby enemies.
Light: Removes alterations to the allies.
Lightning: Fires projectiles that inflict vulnerability to nearby enemies.
Poison: Sends projectiles that inflict poisoning to nearby enemies.
Smoke: Fires projectiles that inflict blindly to nearby enemies.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
- Withering Bane: 20s of underwater transformation, low damage. You gain Stability
and constantly inflict Poison
(1s) to your enemies within a radius of 240. Statistics increased as much as the Brute unleashed.
Withering Bane: Adds Bleeding
x2 (2s).
Scourge of Darkness : Adds Blindness
Plague of pestilence : Adds Weakness
(3s) and Disability
Whirlpool: 15s of underwater transformation, extremely high damage. The skin of this spell has been improved, in high-quality it throws! Unfortunately my PC does not want to display it only HD, that is to say: p (Statistics increased as much as the Tornado).
Supply crate : Drops a supply crate on the target, moderate damage â–¬ Stuns
2s targets within a 240 radius by deploying: a Healing turret + one Net launcher + one Flamethrower turret + 6 bags of plasters â–¬ 1200 range. 180s recharge. 1s cast.
â–ş A supply crate to deal heavy damage and stun enemies in the target area. Med Packs and Random Turrets are spread all around, making it a safe place for allies to heal and recover. It is convenient. In addition, you will be able to have two turrets of the same type in play, no worries! ?
Explosion combo
Explosion combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Confers power to the allies.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Mortar : Summons a fiery sword into your hands and at target location â–¬ When dropped at target location, it damages and burns enemies approximately lasts 120s â–¬ 1400 range. 120s recharge. 1 / 2s cast.
â–ş The elite mortar skill has situational uses. Use it if soloing is difficult, due to its minimum firing distance. The dungeons are a little too narrow to use it. Instead, it's perfect for taking or defending a specific portion of territory in PvP. Set it up out of melee and you, or an ally, can rain damage, conditions, and heals in a large radius. Your allies can also use it.
Mortar shot : moderate damage + in an area of ​​effect of 180. 1400 range. 2s recharge.
Shooting trapdoors : Trapdoors are sent to the ground applying Bleeding
(12s) and Disability
(2s) in an area of ​​effect of 240 for 6s. 1400 range. 12s recharge.
Elixir shot : Throw a healing elixir
your allies in an area of ​​240 for 5s. 1200 range. 15s recharge.
Frozen shot : Frozen
(1s) the targeted area for 10s. 240 area of ​​effect, 1400 range. 30s recharge.
â–˛ Combo: Ice Zone
Barrage : Fire several mortars in an area of ​​effect of 360, very high damage. Regrowth
enemies at 400, 1400 range. 30s recharge.
Transformations - Elixir X
And even in terrestrial Medusa! ... No, definitely no: p
Let us now focus on aptitudes.
We will therefore see to create three or four kinds of builds: Damage, Support, Tank (which some call Support).
You will have, at the maximum level, 70 skill points to be placed as you wish.
The traits of my level 52 engineer turned to mobile attack with firearms and kits.
Explosions and firearms
If you like to fight against multiple enemies at the same time and play with your mines, grenades and bombs, this build is for you! We will mainly focus on explosives, firearms and alteration damage with a little bonus in tools.
â–˛ 30 points in explosives â–ş You will passively gain 300 power + 30 expertise to increase the duration of your conditions.
Minor points:
5 -> Evasive powder barrel, Dodges create bombs.
15 -> Reserved Mines, Deploy mines around you when your health reaches 25%.
25 -> Powder mixed with steel, Explosions inflict Vulnerability for 5s
Major Points:
: Adrenaline boost, Gets a 5% damage bonus when stamina is not full.
: Explosive powder, Explosions deal 10% more damage.
: Performance improvement, You gain 3 power charges for 15s when you use a healing skill.
â–˛ 30 points in Firearms â–ş You will passively gain 300 Accuracy + 300 Malice to increase the potency of your conditions.
Minor points:
5 -> Sniper, 30% to inflict Bleed for 3s when crit.
15 -> Aim for the weak 1, 10% more critical chance against enemies with less than 50% health
25 -> Target the Weak 2, Increased damage by 5% against enemies that take Bleed.
Major Points:
: Sensitive relaxation, Rifle, pistol, and harpoon gun skills reload 20% faster.
: Coated bullets, Pistol shots perforate.
: Shotgun Modification, Increases damage done by shotgun and harpoon gun by 10%.
â–˛ 10 points in tools â–ş You will passively gain 10 in prowess, critical damage is increased + 10 in ingenuity to increase the reload speed of your belt skills.
Minor points:
5 -> Adrenaline pump, Using the skills of the belt restores 10% of your stamina.
Major Points:
: Static Discharge, Unleashes a spell (a lightning bolt hitting your target) when you use a utility belt skill.
â–˛ Explanations: You will have to play on your survival in combat thanks to your various skills while constantly applying burn and bleeding stacks
. Your direct hits will be just as important, just as much as the use of your kits to put to good use! Note that the toughness (armor) of the target is not taken into account by your conditions and therefore directly penetrates its hit points! Apply your conditions over and over again, hamper your enemies' movements that they don't escape, you have a lot of skills for that.
â–˛ Tips:
- Your equipment must contain bonuses in alteration damage and mightye as well as a mix of robustness / vitality.
- Level weapons, pistols for multi-target et rifle for single target.
- In care take the'elixir H since you will need to be very mobile.
- In utility, I can only advise you to take skills according to this scheme: 1) Opponent control (Example: Personal Aries) 2) Your support (Example: Elixir B, Elixir C or Service Glasses) 3) A kit (Example: Bomb kit, Grenade kit or even a radio-controlled mine)
- En elite so use theelixir X !
If you like to put down turrets and "play" around while hitting your enemy, this build is for you! You mainly focus on improving your turrets, mobility / toughness, and hampering enemy movement. We will mainly focus on the inventions et explosives with a little bonus in tools and fire arms.
â–˛ 20 points in explosives â–ş You will passively gain 200 power + 20% expertise to increase the duration of your conditions.
Minor points:
5 -> Evasive powder barrel, Dodges create bombs.
15 -> Reserved Mines, Deploy mines around you when your health reaches 25%.
Major Points:
: Accelerating Turrets, Turrets explode when destroyed and knock back enemies.
: Performance improvement, You gain 3 power charges for 15s when you use a healing skill.
â–˛ 10 points in firearms â–ş You will passively gain 100 accuracy + 100 malice to increase the power of your conditions
Minor points:
5 -> Zephyr speed, You move 10% faster when you are in affinity with air.
Major Points:
: Easy target, You deal 5% more damage to immobilized enemies.
â–˛ 30 points in invention â–ş You will passively gain 300 toughness and 300 healing to make your healing more powerful.
Minor points:
5 -> Response system when health is low, Gives you regeneration when you are attacked while your health is below 25%.
15 -> Automatic Medical Reaction, All healing stats will recharge when your health reaches 25% (Cooldown: 90 seconds).
25 -> Performance improvement, 10% of your Healing transferred as a Power bonus.
Major Points:
: Metal reinforcements, Reduces damage taken by your turrets by 30%
: Armor regain, 5% of your toughness is converted into power
: Machine Gun Turret Cannons, Turrets deal 15% more damage and gain increased range.
â–˛ 10 points in tools â–ş You will passively gain 10 in prowess, critical damage is increased + 10 in ingenuity to increase the reload speed of your belt skills.
Minor points:
5 -> Adrenaline pump, Using the skills of the belt restores 10% of your stamina.
Major Points:
: Kit improvement, By equipping yourself with a kit, an attack or a spell depending on the equipped kit is created.
â–˛ Explanations: This Gameplay is a combat not used much in PvP but which makes its effect in PvE. The goal is to get the creatures to the center of your turret pile in order to immobilize them. (5% more damage on immobilized). Your toughness and healing are transformed into power. You really have to know all the possibilities of playing with your turrets. The belt skill when not set, the turret reactivation skill, the detonation, the turret itself ... There is a crazy combo package to achieve just with the 6 turrets you have available + mines, grenades and bombs. While your turrets are occupied, circle around them shooting and hampering enemy movement!
â–˛ Tips:
- Your equipment must contain bonuses in power and robustness / vitality mainly. You can always add a little precision / healing.
- Level weapons, gun + shield are recommended but a gun will also do.
- In care take it curative turret.
- In utility, I can only advise you to take skills according to this scheme: 1) Opponent control (Example: Seismic turret or Net launcher turret) 2) Support / Attack (Example: Elixir S / Elixir C or Machine gun turret / Flamethrower turret or even a tool kit or a bomb kit!) 3) An attack (Example: Missile turret).
- En elite so use the supply crate !
Anti-alterations and care
In a group there is the tank and melee damage in front, then comes the ranged damage, then a little behind the support (Usually.).
A support engineer plays directly between tanks and ranged damage. Place your healing turret so as to heal melee players who will be the first to be hit, then step back a bit and watch. All you have to do is water the area with your essences to support everything. You will also be able to be more adventurous and create damage on contact while healing your allies with bombs (Ability upgrade)!
If you like being near a group to remove ailments from your allies and heal them , this build is for you! We will mainly focus on the inventions et alchemy with a little bonus in tools.
â–˛ 10 points in explosives â–ş You will passively gain 100 power + 10% expertise to increase the duration of your conditions.
Minor points:
5 -> Evasive powder barrel, The dodges create a bomb.
Major Points:
: Powerful explosives, The explosion radius of bombs and mines is increased.
â–˛ 30 points in invention â–ş You will passively gain 300 toughness and 300 healing to make your healing more powerful.
Minor points:
5 -> Response system when health is low, Gives you regeneration when you are attacked while your health is below 25%.
15 -> Automatic Medical Reaction, All healing stats will recharge when your health reaches 25% (Cooldown: 90 seconds).
25 -> Performance improvement, 10% of your Healing transferred as a Power bonus.
Major Points:
: Metal reinforcements, Reduces damage taken by your turrets by 30%
: Elite Supplies, Supply Crate contains additional Supply, Elixir X lasts longer, and Mortar has increased range.
: Bombs full of elixir, The explosions of your bombs heal.
â–˛ 30 alchemy points â–ş You will passively gain 300 vitality + 30% focus to increase the duration of your blessings.
Minor points:
5 -> Hidden flask, You drink an elixir B when your health reaches 75%.
15 -> Transmute, 3% chance to convert ailments against you into benefits.
25 -> Energy Converting Matrix, Deals 1% more damage for each boon you gain.
Major Points:
: Quick-setting Elixirs, Elixir skills recharge 20% faster.
: Powerful Elixirs, Extends the effects of elixirs by 20%
: Purifying Formula 409, Throwing or consuming an elixir removes ailments.
â–˛ Explanations: Your allies will be delighted to have an anti-tampering and healing platform . Don't hesitate to attack as soon as possible but always keep an eye on your teammates! Good support is life support.
â–˛ Tips:
- Your equipment must contain bonuses in power of care as well as a mix of robustness / vitality especially if you are directly in the fight with your bombs (Who heal + large heal zone?). Your power is increased by your 10 points in explosive and your healing conversion -> power
- Level weapons, gun + shield ou gun which will serve you for immobilization and combos.
- In care take it curative turret, your partners will also benefit.
- In utility, I can only advise you to take skills according to this scheme: 1) Help the ally (Example: Elixir B or Elixir R) 2) Protection / Attack (Example: Elixir C or Bomb Kit) 3) An attack (Example: Elixir pistol kit)
- En elite so use the Supply crate !
Tank (Support)
Shield + technology, the tank of the future
If you like taking slaps and being at the front of a group, this build is for you! We will mainly focus on the invention et alchemy with a little bonus in tools.
â–˛ 30 points in inventions â–ş You will passively gain 300 toughness and 300 healing in order to make your healing more powerful.
Minor points:
5 -> Response system when health is low, Gives you regeneration when you are attacked while your health is below 25%.
15 -> Automatic Medical Reaction, All healing stats will recharge when your health reaches 25% (Cooldown: 90 seconds).
25 -> Performance improvement, 10% of your Healing transferred as a Power bonus.
Major Points:
: Protective Shield, Grants protection for 3s when you are critically hit (20s from CD).
: Armor stabilized, You take 5% less damage when your stamina gauge is full.
: Reinforced Shield, Increases your toughness by 90 when you equip a shield. Your shield skills recharge 20% faster.
â–˛ 30 alchemy points â–ş You will passively gain 300 vitality + 30% focus to increase the duration of your blessings.
Minor points:
5 -> Hidden flask, You drink an elixir B when your health reaches 75%.
15 -> Transmute, 3% chance to convert ailments against you into benefits.
25 -> Energy Converting Matrix, Deals 1% more damage for each boon you gain.
Major Points:
: Quick-setting Elixirs, Elixir skills recharge 20% faster.
: Purifying Formula 409, Throwing or consuming an elixir removes ailments.
: Automatic reaction, You are immune to ailments when you have less than 25% health.
â–˛ 10 points in tools â–ş You will passively gain 10 in prowess, critical damage is increased + 10 in ingenuity to increase the reload speed of your belt skills.
Minor points:
5 -> Adrenaline pump, Using the skills of the belt restores 10% of your stamina.
Major Points:
: Always Ready, You drop bandages and a flamethrower turret when you're down.
â–˛ Explanations: The engineer is very effective in tanking if he is equipped with a shield, elixirs and the appropriate skills. Thanks to these skills, you won't have to dodge as much as an elementalist (Unless urgent). Additionally, you have a toughness bonus when your stamina bar is full. You will have to lead head-on, strengthen yourself with your elixirs and resist using your skills at the right time. You are unresponsive to conditions when your life drops below 25%, but above this percentage, each elixir consumed or thrown will remove all of your conditions.
You also have something to heal yourself and a support will be there to supplement your life points.
â–˛ Tips:
- Your equipment must contain Robustness et Vitality at roughly equal rates. You will change into toughness against direct hits and vitality against ailments. Of the power of care et Healing are also important. You can take some power if you want.
- Level weapons, gun + shield are recommended.
- In care take the'elixir H.
- In utility, I can only advise you to take skills according to this scheme: 1) Protection / control (Example: Elixir B, Personal Ram or Radio Controlled Mine) 2) Your protection (Example: Elixir B or Rocket Boots in order to throw yourself back and be safe for a few moments. Remember to do a combo with exploding boots and use the belt skill as often as possible. ) 3) An attack (Example: Radio controlled mine or bomb kit or flamethrower if you have chosen the skills to go with it.)
- En elite so use l'elixir X !
There are obviously a number of ways to build skills. by mixing the 4 archetypes that I listed above. Everyone has their own way of doing things. These 4 specializations are MY examples of specializations.
Ask yourself the question "What do I like to do with this engineer? Am I nag enough? Do I like supporting my allies ...?"
First of all, if you like what you do, you will be all the more motivated to improve yourself. Read and reread your skills and abilities. With this article, I taught myself things, you never know enough!
Thanks to your spell skills, you will be able to achieve combos with the other professions in the game. base area (Fire, lightning, ice, ...) as well as a situational combo (Jump, whirlwind, explosion, ...).
The engineer can perform spell combos alone, here is their list.
Initiator combo
â–ş Fire zone: Flamethrower / Bomb Kit
â–ş Water area: Healing turret
â–ş Ice zone: Mortar
â–ş Light zone: Elixir U / Elixir R
â–ş Smoke zone: Bomb Kit / Flamethrower Turret
â–ş Poison Zone: Grenade Kit
Finisher combo
â–ş Projectile: Explosive Shot (20%) / Shield Throw (Static Shield) / Rush Shot / Self Guided Torpedo (20%) / Grappling Hook / Delay Charge / Net of Ropes / Elixir Dart (20%) / Throw from Key to Wheel / Surprise Shot / Elixir X (Ratchet Throw)
â–ş Explosion: Turret Detonations / Magnetic Reversal (Magnetic Shield) / Mastoc Bomb / Radio Controlled Mine / Rocket Boots / Earthquake / Supply Crate / Elixir X (Trample)
â–ş Whirlpool: Elixir X (Furious Tornado)
â–ş Jump : Jump Shot / Elixir X (Rush)
Final combos
Projectile combo
Projectile combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds alterations to attack.
Arcane: Adds confusion to attack.
Fire: Adds burn to attack.
Ice: Adds freezing to attack.
Light: Removes alterations to the allies.
Lightning: Adds vulnerability to attacks.
Poison: Adds poison to attacks.
Smoke: Blinded target
Water: Heals allies attacking the target.
Explosion combo
Explosion combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Confers power to the allies.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Whirlpool combo
Whirlpool combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Sends projectiles that inflict Theft of life to nearby enemies.
Arcane: Sends projectiles that inflict confusion to nearby enemies.
Fire: Sends projectiles that inflict burn to nearby enemies.
Ice: Sends projectiles that inflict frosted to nearby enemies.
Light: Removes alterations to the allies.
Lightning: Fires projectiles that inflict vulnerability to nearby enemies.
Poison: Sends projectiles that inflict poisoning to nearby enemies.
Smoke: Fires projectiles that inflict blindly to nearby enemies.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Jump combo
Jump combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Grants a fire shield burning enemies attacking you.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Regarding Gameplay, the engineer changes radically according to his specializations. Sometimes you will have to be very mobile while using your skills, another time you will have to dodge as little as possible and stay in the face of danger and hold it.
It is said that the engineer is the most difficult class to master. I don't quite agree with this. The engineer has a very large number of different skills from his many kits, gadgets and utility belt. In addition, its skill cooldowns are relatively short. It is therefore necessary (like any profession) to know perfectly its skills and their recharge times in order to be as optimized as possible.
Cast your spells in thoughtful order, you know what you are doing, your spells must limit "help" each time. If I have an area spell, I have to apply an immobilization with it, that's obvious.
You can quickly and easily apply 6 Power Charges to yourself thanks to your skills and the use of your combos. Using your bomb kit, place an incendiary bomb followed quickly by a mastoc bomb. Zone of fire + explosion = 3 charges of power hop!
In trouble ? With the bomb kit or your flamethrower turret, use the zone of smoke + detonation or rocket boots = invisibility. You have a huge package of combos of the kind allowing you to strengthen yourself instantly or to take cover in order to put yourself back in a favorable position.
Whenever you want to switch weapons, read on or learn exactly what the effects of these spells are. Your healing skills, utility skills, and elite skill need to match perfectly with your weapon skills. You have a weapon or kit skill that does an area spell but that same weapon does not grant you any immobilization â–ş You need one as a utility or as a weapon.
After that, it's up to you to see exactly what kind of game you have. You can very well create an area spell, not to take the enemy in but to prevent him from going to a position that he could take to his advantage.
Think before you hit your keys?
Here are all the spells of all the weapons. Look especially at the order in which my spells are cast and the effect that goes with them. You will then be able to recognize at first glance what you have cast without looking at your spell bar. Likewise, you will easily recognize enemy spells and learn which ones are to be avoided absolutely and which can help you with your own combos.
Screenshots, all weapon skills

In JcE
In PvE, no worries, mobs are less intelligent than players (At least in general ...: p).
You can therefore place your area spells directly on the enemy without them saying to themselves "Damn I must get out of it right away!"
So train on them to learn how to chain your spells in the right order and react to some of their abilities. A big blow in preparation? Quickly I take out my blindness or my projection! I can also dodge if I don't have all of that.
Mobs are training in PvP.
In a dungeon group, here are the points to remember.
- Once the group is inside the dungeon, chat with your companions. Who does damage, who is the tank, who likes to support a team?
- You will need a Tank who keeps as many enemies as possible on him.
- Un Offtank being able to take over the role of the tank if it were to die or be in serious difficulty. This same person must still insure significant damage. If it causes damage from a distance, it is better.
- A big Dps which will do immeasurable damage whether in condition damage or direct hits. A distance is preferable.
- Two Support which, in addition to dps, will ensure the survival of the group. They will have to look very often at their companions in order to remove their dangerous alterations (too much vulnerability, burn-poison-bleeding, ...) and treat them as soon as possible. I insist on the fact that they must still have a substantial dps (maybe less than the Dps spec but they still have enough to show their teeth).
- Regarding dps, I am talking about distance because most people wanting to do damage totally forget their survival skills. They therefore arrive in melee and ... "Huh?! Chu already mor!". If you have foreseen these problems thanks to a good adapted healing spell, a seal of resistance, some survival skills ... You will obviously be able to go melee without worries.
- The Tank must always be in front of the others, it leads the group. Being the most resistant and the player with the most health, he will take more damage than other players. Handy if he were to set off a trap.
- Discuss before engaging in a fight and “Who does what?”.
- The tank will target an enemy that everyone will have to attack. Focus your damage on the same targets! Dispersing the damage won't help you, on the contrary.
- There are CTRL + T keys (when targeting an enemy) showing a red target above the target enemy. So let the tank do this unless they ask support to do it. The support being behind the group, he has a more global vision of the fight.
- When an enemy is targeted, text appears in the chat indicating that target. Press T and you will automatically target the enemy with the red target. Convenient.
- Prepare your own anti-alteration spells will save you a lot of misery
- The tank must be careful where it puts its feet so as not to trigger devastating traps. The rest of the team must follow him.
- You can draw on the minimap: SHIFT pressed + left click and you will make your own drawing on the map! Handy for showing players where exactly to pass. Obviously the players have to look at this mini-map. Often we have the right to a "But I don't see!" - "Well look at your mini-map !!" - "Ah yes: 'D".
- Do not forget to have room in your bags before making the dungeon!
- Stay united, follow the guide and ... have fun! You will also have the group's conversations on the various screenshots above ... Proof that we had a lot of fun! ?
Read your skills carefully and use them when needed.
Engineers are very versatile and you can get a feel for this early on in your career. Once you are at level five or higher, go to a capital and buy two pistols, a rifle and a shield. Gaining all the weapon skills won't take long and this practice will help you determine your playstyle. You might find that you are particularly lucky with one weapon type over another, even if the abilities don't appear. really better initially.
During this time, be sure to explore the world thoroughly. Earning skill points is very important because you want to develop an impressive collection of utility skills. The bigger your bag of tricks, the better your engineer will be able to handle situations. Get the skills that help you play solo early on. The party content is more difficult, but the really tough things don't come until you get to at least level 30. That's more than enough time to develop your solo skills. Select your skills with your favorite activities in mind. If you enjoy healing, for example, be sure to think about how your skills and competencies interact.
Select the Elixir Infusion Bombs ability and you can start healing teams with the Bomb Kit! This kind of synergy is what makes engineers both weird and exciting. Engineers have to be smart when they fight. The majority of your attacks and abilities have area-of-effect damage and effects.
You wear medium armor, which can get more attention than you need. Practice your crowd control skills to control enemy positions, whether you want them to be near or far. Have fun trying out different combinations of weapons, skills and abilities. With a weapon kit, an Elixir B, and the Machine Gun Turret, you're ready for just about anything.
In PvP
Ah PvP ...
That's it, have you practiced enough what spells to use when you get poisoned (anti-alteration)? How to ward off a shot of warlike adrenaline (dodging, throwing)? How do you chain your spells in the correct order and match your weapon skills to your healing / utility and elite skills?
Ok, let's go to the Jhearer cGAINST Joueur!
First, you need to know that being alone isn't really the way to go. Don't play the hero to go and take a job all alone EXCEPT if it is part of a well-defined technique.
Talk to your teammates a lot to get news: Where are they? Complications? A group of enemy moving towards a point A? And you, is everything ok? Where are you going ?
Communication is the key to a winning team; unfortunately too few players use it. Play in a group, don't stay alone, communicate, learn the spells of your enemies, learn the elements of the map and the key places, where you can engage the opponent while being safe. Avoid engaging in open country combat. If you know where you are fighting, you leave with an advantage over your enemy.
Remember that by arriving in organized PvP you will have to redo all your skills as well as your skills.
Have fun !
In PvP, many of your overlooked skills come to the fore. Throwing in an R Elixir and C Elixir allows you to be a game-changer in PvP by removing ailments and interrupting stuns.
The Med Kit and the Med Pack ability allow your allies to fight for as long as possible. The Elixir Gun allows you to dispense perks, conditions, and healing.
Drop in Supply Crates to create an instant battle station.
If you want to do more damage, equip the Kit with Grenades and Flamethrowers. The flamethrower is great when you have to deal with a rapidly changing group. In situations where you don't want to get too close to combat, use the Grenade Kit to your advantage.
If you don't move around that much, the turrets and mortar are fun. Support your team by bombarding the enemy with damage and conditions
For close quarters combat, use the Tool Kit. Or, use the Bomb Kit to help take out structures and groups of enemies. Activate the abilities of the Service Glasses to increase the damage of any of your weapons or skills. The Elixir X has the ability to catch the other team by surprise and gain the advantage by transforming you into one of three stunning appearances. It's hit or miss, because you can't plan what look you're going to take, but they're all potent.
If you ever get into trouble, you have several options to protect yourself. When you need a little room, Personal Aries is fine. His sudden strike can shake the confidence of an attacker. Movement impairments and dizziness are often a death sentence when you can't avoid them: Elixir S lets you slip out of these dangers. When enemies are chasing your hero, use Slippery Shoes. Super Speed ​​Boost and Rocket Boots are also good ways to escape or keep kiting (or come back from another, safer angle).
The engineer is a less played class than the others, prove that you have your place and that your skills are very useful!
Many options are available to you, really think about testing many things, you will be able to discover really practical spells if they are put in combos with others. Create your own way of playing, manipulate your skills into what you want to be. Each point must be calculated. One mistake and we explode with our bombs ...
Hoping that this guide will serve you well and that you will come back and have a look at it if you have a hard time.
I also hope to offer you the most comprehensive engineering guide possible.
I might have missed things so do not hesitate to give me comments or add a few points in comments! I could edit the article based on that.
Want to make a guide following the same diagram concerning: The ranger, the mesmer, the necromancer or the thief? Contact us!
Once again, thank you for your support and see you very soon!
Next month we will meet again with ... The Guardian!
Thank you
Special thanks ZĂŻxxs Ingame for helping me with the medical kit, toolkit and elixir gun.