Originally, the main topic of the last Guild Chat was to be mainly PvP (return S1 and Vision S2) but we were surprised to have an opening on the second raid wing "Salvation Pass".
For PvP lovers, the first part is actually just an overview of the article that appeared in the blog that you can find in the following article. PvE / Raid side, we got a glimpse of the 1st boss of this second raid wing "Slothasor and Slubbing". Slothasor will be in a cellar and will be accompanied by Slubing next to him. We haven't learned much about the two monsters except that Slubing seems to regularly inflict burns on its target over a regular and fairly short interval (you might have to think about clear-condition).

To continue on the raids, Crystal Reid came back in midweek to some questions from the community about the rewards / achievements for the next wing of the raid:
- The difficulty will be similar to that of the Valley of the Spirit;
- There will be no success of the type avoiding being hit by this attack and then defeating the boss (as for example on Gorseval);
- Duplicate mini-pets will have a certain value, so don't destroy them;
- The magnetites remain the currency of the second raid wing;
- Changes will take place on group search for raids;
- Equipment additions (viperin rings, ...) will come with the second raid wing. There is also question of infused equipment (rings / back items).