In this article, we are going to talk about the Mesmer. Famous for its illusions, this class is not left out on the offensive side. As in the previous professional guides, we will split this one into several parts:
- General, laying the foundations and the main mechanics of the class
- Skills and Equipment, which will help you understand the choices made between equipment, utility spells
- Specializations and Rotation, this part will talk about the two specializations of the mesmer as well as the spells to use in combat.
In this part, we will see the main features of the mesmer as well as the equipment of it.
Mechanisms of profession
The mesmer, as said before, is a master of illusion. These illusions, up to 3 in number, will be used to inflict damage during combat. There are two types of illusions:
- The clones : they have the appearance, name and first weapon skill of their launcher
- Fantasies : they have the shape of the launcher but their own characteristics according to the skill launched.
The shattering skill specific to the mesmer will be used to destroy your previously created illusions to inflict effects on your opponent:
- Spiritual decay (F1): Damages your nearby enemies.
- Scream of frustration (F2): Inflicts Confusion on nearby enemies.
- Diversion (F3): Inflicts Stupor to nearby enemies.
- Distortion (F4): Grants a charge of Distortion by Shattered Illusions.
Armor and gear
The mesmer, being a scholar, wears light type armor. Even if it is a fragile profession, he will have at his disposal a whole arsenal of weapons:
- Two-handed weapons
- Main Hand
- Secondary hand
- Staff: Inflicts conditions and benefits.
- Greatsword (Ranged): Deals area damage and can knock back enemies.
- Sword: melee damage with the ability to create a double.
- Scepter: ranged damage, also allows you to block certain attacks.
- Sword: summon illusion and block attacks.
- Focus: remote fantasy and escape spells.
- Gun: fantasy and remote control.
- Torch: invocation of illusion and stealth.
Skills and equipment
In this part, we will study the statistics and runes related to your equipment. In addition, we will talk about the specialization choices as well as the different spells to use in the mesmer.
Like most classes in the current meta, we'll be looking for stats Power / Ferocity / Precision. To do this, the choices are as follows for the Mesmer's class:
- armor
- Arms
The choices for armor and accessories are:
- Armor set: Assassin
- Accessories : Berserker
The runes used on our armor set will be that of the scholar as they are in harmony with the overall stats of our gear.
Whatever weapon is used in the build, we will use assassin type weapons. The weapon sets are as follows:
- First Set: Sword / Sword
- Second Set: Sword / Focus
In some situations we will be able to use the pistol instead of the focus. The stamps used on the weapons will be:
- Stamp of superior firmness (5% more damage)
- Stamp of the superior night (10% more damage at night)
Choice of utility spells
The choice of utility spells will depend greatly on the situations you may encounter. However, the following spells will be our character's basic choices:
- Ether sign : passively heals depending on the number of fantasies you control.
- Mantra of Pain : allows you to channel a spell to inflict damage on your enemy
- Distraction mantra : allows you to channel a spell to inflict stupor on your enemy
- Temporal Rift (Elite) : create an area of effect giving speed to 5 of your allies
There are, however, spells to consider:
- Mass invisibility (Elite): can be used to escape / avoid a group of enemies during a dungeon for example.
- Neutral Field: dissipation of mass alteration. May be useful under certain conditions.
- Blinking: allows increased mobility.
- Mantra of Recovery: Useful in short fights where illusion creation cannot be performed.
- The other mantras (Pain, concentration, Distraction and resolution): in addition to a small gain in DPS, they can be useful in certain situations.
Spell Specialization and Rotation
The Mesmer can be used in two different ways. Either with a damage-oriented specialization or with a Reflection orientation.
Both of course have their pros and cons. The damage orientation will be a bit the master key while the second will be more optimized for certain dungeons like Cadecus or Arah.
Damage Specialization
This tree has been designed to do maximum damage, whether with your spells or with your illusions. It consists of the Domination, Duel and Illusions branch.
- Domination
- Duel
- Illusions
- Choice 1: Reinforced illusions is the default choice because the other two are not the most useful (vulnerability and stun can be inflicted by other sources)
- Choice 2: Scrambled Inscriptions is again a default choice even if the removal of an advantage can be interesting thanks to Broken concentration, a necromancer will be much more useful in this work.
- Choice 3: two choices are possible here between Psychic Torment et Power lock. The second is more general and useful in the majority of cases.
- Choice 1: Spooky Fury is the default choice because we are not using a pistol and the goal of playing berserker is not to fall below 90% health.
- Choice 2: in harmony with the equipment, Sword training is the ideal choice for this bearing
- Choice 3: using two mantras as the default spell, the trait Harmonious Mantras is the best.
- Choice 1: we constantly use illusions, so the ideal choice is Combined Power
- Choice 2: same principle as for choice 1, we will therefore take the line Spooky Haste
- Choice 3: increase the spells of professions by the trait Control of fragmentation is the most optimal choice.
Reflection Specialization
Even if the base is more or less the same as the Damage specialization, the last branch is no longer that of illusion but that of inspiration. This branch is used to combine support and damage.
- Domination
- Duel
- Inspiration
- Choice 1: Reinforced illusions is the default choice because the other two are not the most useful (vulnerability and stun can be inflicted by other sources)
- Choice 2: Scrambled Inscriptions is again a default choice even if the removal of an advantage can be interesting thanks to Broken concentration, a necromancer will be much more useful in this work.
- Choice 3: two choices are possible here between Psychic Torment et Power lock. The second is more general and useful in the majority of cases.
- Choice 1: Spooky Fury is the default choice because we are not using a pistol and the goal of playing berserker is not to fall below 90% health.
- Choice 2: in harmony with the equipment, Sword training is the ideal choice for this bearing.
- Choice 3: using two mantras as the default spell, the trait Harmonious Mantras is the best.
- Choice 1: even if Mantra of restauration perhaps an alternative, the trait Referral of the doctor is the best choice as a support.
- Choice 2: the care produced by Restoration illusion is too little to be useful in support. On the other hand, the line Protector's dismissal can be useful for reflecting spells thanks to the Focus Spooky Guardian spell.
- Choice 3: Increasing Prestige skills (especially the Time Rift) is a must-have to take.
Spell rotation
First of all, you should know that your source of damage does not come 100% from your character but rather from your fantasies (40/60%). To inflict the most damage, it will be necessary to keep your fantasies alive (or re-summoned them if they die).
As we have seen previously, we will be positioned in melee with our sword in main hand. So we will use theself attack as often as possible and the fate frenzied haze
when it is necessary to dodge an attack instead of moving.
Depending on your opponent, the order of appearance of your fantasies will not be the same. The two situations are when DPS should be high and the other where Reflection should be high.
- Damage
- Reflection
Spooky Guardian
Spooky Swashbuckler
Ether Sign
Spooky Swashbuckler
Spooky Swashbuckler
Spooky Guardian
Ether Sign
Spooky Guardian
To finish on the Rotation of spells part, you must avoid spells that generate clones as much as possible because they will destroy one of your fantasies on the battlefield. If so, use your profession spells to reset your illusions to 0.
You have now become a master of illusions and be ready to face your enemies!