This guide will be broken down into two parts. The first part will be dedicated to obtaining the precursor Rage by the legendary collection while the second part will detail the recipe for the Mystic Forge (Recipe for donations) for Frenzy, the legendary harpoon gun.
Be careful, if you are looking for a specific item in a collection, you will need to unfold the tabs linked to the current volume.
Legendary Weapons Collection
Frenzy Vol I
- Collection
- Craft Final
To unlock the collection, you will need to purchase Volume 1 of the Legendary Collection from Grand Master Craftsman Hobbs (Lion's Arch Crafting Area).
- Ancestral Barracuda Tooth: Kill the Veteran Barracuda south of the lake during the event of the same name (close to [& BGUCAAA =]). It can be done alone.
- Armored Fish Tooth: Kill the Armored Fish in the Omen ([& BPkEAAA =]). He is often at the stern (rear of the boat)
- Lamprey Tooth: Kill a Veteran Lamprey near the Points of Interest [& BI8GAAA =]
- Arctic Jellyfish Stinger: Kill a veteran giant arctic jellyfish. It is most often found west of the TP [& BEMFAAA =]
- Cordulegastric Fish Spine: Found on Cordulegastric fish. You can often find them north of the TP [& BEIEAAA =]
- Giant Jellyfish Stinger: Complete the Aquatic Fractal (Lv 3, 18, 26, 42, 61, and 75)
After completing the collection you will get the fish chest containing fish essence and a recipe for your hunter (level 450) to craft the rage prototype:
- Experimental Harpoon Gun Stock
- Experimental harpoon
- Legendary Underwater Inscription
Frenzy Vol 2
- Collection
- Craft Final
This collection is divided into three parts: the items to buy, to craft and the coins / resources to collect:
Items to buy :
- Frenzy vol. 2
Objects to craft :
- Weighted Harpoon: Recipe to ask your master hunter
- Balanced Harpoon Gun Stock: Recipe to ask your Master Hunter
- Rage Prototype: Craft at the end of Flight. 1
Coins / Resources to collect:
- The magic of the desert: 1000 crowns of bandits (Wildlands currency)
- The magic of the jungle: 400 geodes (Cimeséche currency)
- Old World Magic: 100 Obsidian Shards
After completing the collection, you will get the Tips and Tricks for Advanced Crafting Harpoon Gun Chest containing expertise in the manufacture of harpoon guns and a recipe for your hunter (lv 450) to craft the Advanced Harpoon Gun:
- Rage Prototype Spirit: Obtained by recycling Rage Prototype
- Luminescent wax can
- Prismatic magnetite
Frenzy Vol 3
- Collection
- Craft Final
This collection is divided into two parts: the objects to acquire and the bracelets:
Objects to acquire :
- Frenzy vol. 3: Grand Master Craftsman Hobbs (Lion's Arch Crafting Area)
- Advanced Harpoon Gun: Craft at the end of Flight. 2
Friendship bracelets to collect:
- Brooloonu Friendship Bracelet: Obtained on the WorldBoss Tequatl (Timer)
- Soggorsort Friendship Bracelet: Buy from Leudap the Fisherwoman (Location)
- Droknah Friendship Bracelet: Obtained from the Quaggan Mayor (southeast of the lake) after killing the WorldBoss Golem Mark II (Timer)
- Breekeelee Friendship Bracelet: Obtained after killing Admiral Taidha Covington (Timer)
- Vonooroovah's Friendship Bracelet: Complete the Portmann Laboratory jumping-puzzle (TP [& BKQBAAA =] | Solution) and bring the egg in the chest to Wuaruakoo (Quaggan village right next to the JP)
- Moogooroo Bracelet of Friendship: Help quaggan Varonos Porook in one of these related events (close to [& BC8AAAA =])
- Moogooloo Friendship Bracelet: Buy from Doolsileep which is north of Point of Interest [& BC4HAAA =]
- Oogooth Friendship Bracelet: Collect by talking to the Guardian of the Past by completing the related event (near [& BOIAAAA =])
- Kahloipoi Friendship Bracelet: Collect by speaking Varanos Parump by completing the linked event (close to TP [& BK8CAAA =])
- Koolookuu's Friendship Bracelet: Complete Suwash's event streak while not talking to him afterwards (close to TP [& BOgAAAA =])
- Lachouche Friendship Bracelet: Complete the event linked to Lachouche while talking to him afterwards (close to TP [& BLgAAAA =])
- Moshpoipoi Friendship Bracelet: Successfully defend Quaggan Village ([& BHICAAA =]) and speak with Varonos Kassplip
- Orsippus friendship bracelet: To buy from Qualdup (West of TP [& BH8CAAA =])
- Doubleboucle Friendship Bracelet: Collect by speaking with Twoloop Varonos Saszglop after completing the Quaggan Games Event Series (close to [& BHMCAAA =])
- Okarinoo Friendship Bracelet: Complete one of the Okarinoo Village events ([& BDgCAAA =]) then speak with Commander Plipdoolb
- Urgulp Friendship Bracelet: Buy it in Lugung near the point of interest [& BJAAAAA =]
After completing the collection you will get the Quaggan Friendship Chest containing Quaggan Essence of Friendship and a recipe for your hunter (lv 450) to craft the Rage Precursor:
- Improved Harpoon Gun Spirit: Obtained by recycling Improved Harpoon Gun
- Fish figurine
- Aerator
Craft Frenzy (Legendary)
If you wish, you can find the official Wiki page with the information and skin of the legendary weapon. However, like each of the Legendaries, you will need the Precursor Weapon and three different feats:
- Rage
- Gift of Frenzy
- Gift of Mastery
- Gift of Fortune
Can be obtained in different ways:
- Open world (chests, monsters, ...)
- Mystical Forge by providing 4 rare or exotic weapons
- At the counter
- By the legendary collection (seen previously)
By combining the following 4 items at the Mystic Forge:
By combining the following 4 items at the Mystic Forge:
By combining the following 4 items at the Mystic Forge: