During the previous updates, we were able to have new achievements via mini-events in Central Tyria. In this post, you will find the various information and the steps to follow to achieve success. This guide will be updated if more events are added in the future.
Line of force
To begin with, it will be necessary to recover an unidentified magnetite. It can be obtained from dragon servants (bosses like normal monsters). The simplest are Jormag's minions because they are plentiful on the Norn maps.
- Quest for knowledge
- Mapping of lines of force
- Hold the position
- Scattered magic
Once the magnetite is in your hands, you will have to go see Ela Makkay at Lion's Arch (Crossing point [& BC0EAAA =] ). Talk to him and you will unlock the achievements related to the Lines of Force event. If you talk to her again, she will tell you the position of the following events (described in the other tabs).
You must perform the lines of force event on each card. Each has three possible event locations (it is necessary to only do one per map). Each event is similar and breaks down into two parts:
- Fend off the dragon minions
- Destroy Champion Coalescence
The waypoints for events are as follows:
- Snowdrift Buttress: [& BL4AAAA =] [& BLkAAAA =] [& BLMAAAA =]
- Mont Maelstrom : [& BM8CAAA =] [& BNYCAAA =] [& BNICAAA =]
- Blazing Streak Steppe: [& BAUCAAA =] [& BAQCAAA =] [& BFIDAAA =]

The goal of this success is that the servants do not absorb any energy. The fewer people there are for the event, the easier it is because the monsters can evolve depending on the number of people present.
You must destroy five Champion Coalescences which implies doing the event five times (the card does not matter).
Bandit hunting
- Blade tip
- The arm of the light
- Bounty hunter
You will need to retrieve encoded orders from the bandits. To do this, head north of the TP [& BGEAAAA =]. Once in possession of it, find Ralan at the TP [&BCkDAAA=] which will give you your target to kill (TP located in the next tab).
Success will consist of killing all five targets that Ralan can give you. However if you are impatient it is not necessary to have the specific order to validate the success:
- Ruye le Cramoisi: North-West of TP [& BAMAAAA =]
- Vic le Fer: Nord du TP [& BIUAAAA =] (Near the dam)
- Flyrra the Insensible: East TP [& BFEAAAA =] (Close to the point of interest of the hills)
- Aerl le Silencieux: North-East of the TP [& BDcDAAA =] (Close to the Val du Malandrin)
- Zirh the Venomous: South-West of TP [& BIwGAAA =] (To the left of the waterfall)
You will need to complete three Daily Bounties to complete this achievement (the first not counting). However, it is only possible to have the orders encoded once per day which will take you three days to complete the success for the reward. In addition, the success is repeatable for a total of 18 days minimum (6 * 3 bounties).
Search for lines of force
The event was released on June 01, 2016. After receiving a letter and reading it, you must go to meet Ela Makkay at Lion's Arch (Point de passage [& BC0EAAA =] ) who will direct you to the next events.
- Put back in good hands
- Repel the Inquest
- Search for lines of force
Successfully complete the event 10 times.
The events take place in the map of the Steppes of the Flaming Streak where you must with the help of the Priory or the Consortium to recover the energy of the lines of force in the Inquest. There are three possible event locations that you can find below:

However, there are only two simultaneous events (Priory or Consortium) which can take place at the same place. Nevertheless, the start of the events (an escort) is known with a respawn time of 15/20 minutes:
- Consortium: PNJ Flinzz: [& BPkBAAA =]
- Priory: NPC Keadin: [& BAUCAAA =]
The investigation should not collect energy from the lines of force. This achievement is pretty straightforward as long as the enemies are quite weak and the event is tracked by players.
During the event, coalescing will drop line of force energy that you can transport to the Priory / Consortium. The goal of success is to bring 30 back to the Consortium and the Priory (60 balls of energy). This success is for the moment very frustrating to complete because in addition to being long, the players throw themselves very quickly on the balls to collect.
Revenge of the Bandits
Introduced in the update of June 14, 2016, it follows the events related to the bandits. You will receive a letter with a "Bandit Death Mark" telling you that you are in a mess and that your head has been put on a price. As before, the Shining Blade officer at Divine Rise will give you targets to take down
- The arm of the light II
- Stay of execution
- Political instruction
You must kill the 5 bandits whose heads were priced. Their locations are listed below:
- Temway the Arrogant - [& BBAAAAA =]
- Ezal la Preste - [& BKUAAAA =]
- Lenner le Vigilant - [& BIwBAAA =]
- Varre the Sneaky - [& BAgAAAA =]
- Ulssen the Anvil - [& BMMAAAA =]
You must have the Mark in your inventory (or at least one person in your party). After killing a bandit, a legendary executioner will appear for you to kill. Be careful, this character hits quite hard. Ask people to come and help you if you think you are not enough (at least ten).
You will need to consult the 20 posters in the areas of Kryta:
- Divine Promontory (6)
- Queen's Valley (5)
- Kessex Hills (4)
- Gendarran Field (4)
- Hinterlands Harathis (1)

New accumulations of energy from the lines of force
Established on June 28, 2016, these various successes will require you to continue your experiments on the lines of force. The first part is related to a particular event with a known reappearance time. You can find the corresponding timer on the GW2Ninja site. There are three possible maps for the event (Genderran Fields, Canopy Falls, Iron Marsh). The map for the next event is indicated by clicking on the magnetite
- Line of force studied
- Anomaly spotted / world
- Anomaly results
- Dispersed anomaly
You must speak to Ela Makkay to recover a Magnetite Imbued with Lines of Force and the associated achievement.
You must approach the line of force anomaly to achieve the first success. The second (world anomalies) will be validated when you have completed the events of each of the cards.
Complete 10 anomaly events without overloading. The overload is equivalent to the anomaly absorbing too much energy (second bar full) and resulting in the failure of the event.
One of the most complicated achievements in this game. The anomaly must not absorb any coalescence. To be successful, a party must be dedicated to completing Coalescence events (ahead of the boss's path) before the boss reaches them. Please note, these events are adapted according to the number of players (the right number is 5-6 people).
The other part of the events of the main lines will take you back to the events between the investigation, the priory and the consortium. To complete all achievements, you will need to help each of the NPCs three times (including event success). Here are the waypoint locations and points on the map for each NPC:
- Keadin: Last Waypoint for the road - [& BPkBAAA =]
- Finnz: Sanctuary Passage Point - [& BAUCAAA =]
- Garen: Ashes Passage - [& BM4CAAA =]
- Loonaloo: Valbrouillard Passage Point - [& BMcCAAA =]
- Fiona: Lornar Waypoint - [& BLQAAAA =]
- Shana: Scholar's Rift Waypoint - [& BLcAAAA =]
Bloodstones in Tyria
Introduced on August 9, 2016, two new achievements have been added to this category:
- Bloodstone spotting
- Gathering Bloodstones
First of all you will need to retrieve Levi's device located on the map of the Emerald Orea (location below). From then on you will have to kill the five creatures that it can show you to validate the success. To help you, you can find out the available creatures by clicking on the device. If a skull appears on the monster, it means that it has already been killed on the map where you are. Each of the creatures can appear on different maps in the same rotation. The rotation is available on the GW2timer website.
- Moa: [& BLkAAAA =] - [& BFQAAAA =] - [& BGEAAAA =] - [& BMkDAAA =]
- Shark: [& BNUCAAA =] - [& BH4CAAA =] - [& BKcBAAA =]
- Vouivre: [& BPsHAAA =] - [& BMwHAAA =]
- Devourer: [& BJcHAAA =] - [& BLQHAAA =] - [& BAECAAA =] - [& BE4BAAA =]
- Arctodus: [& BLQAAAA =] - [& BOsAAAA =] - [& BOQAAAA =]

Emerald Edge
You will need to complete the Spotting step to complete this achievement. The second part will consist of collecting bloodstone fragments (10). You will find the locations of each of these fragments below.

Shakes are heard
This new step was added on August 23, 2016 and will ask you to investigate the recent earthquake north of Tyria. You will need to meet Seis who will grant you a 30 minute enchantment and a specific action touch. If you use it, icons will appear near your character indicating the position of the sensors:
- Red (far): greater than 15000 distance
- Blue (medium): less than 15000 away
- Green (near): less than 3000 distance
The big problems with these events are that:
- The position of the detectors is linked to your character. There will be no precise guide to their location
- If the NPC who gives the enchantment does not change cards quickly (1st rotation in 5 days)
- Transfer hunter
- Gathering Bloodstones
You need to complete all the steps related to the tremors (Talk to Seis and find the sensors on each map).
You will get an achievement for each completed map:
- Map 1: Strait of the frozen gorges - [& BHoCAAA =]
- Map 2: Snowdrift Snowfall - [& BLUAAAA =]
- Map 3: Lornar Passage - [& BOwAAAA =]
- Map 4: Blood Tide Coast
- Map 5: Unknown at the moment
Anomaly & Bloodstone
New events are taking place in Tyria with the October 4, 2016 update. There is currently only one Achievement "The Burden of Choice" available for 10 achievement points.
First, you'll need to go to Gillscale Pond ([& BM8AAAA =]) and jump into a rift to grab the Breach Stabilizer from a heap of debris underwater. The next step will be to chat with the Charr who revolves around the lake (Auris Biazrmaggedon). At the option where he tells you to be patient do nothing and wait to be teleported. Following this you will get a new stabilizer that can be used on rifts.
Now you can have fun using the stabilizer on the breaches. Each of the numbers will give you a different location when you jump into the rift. However, this is not a mandatory step for success. The next step will be to speak with an apparition (kind of mini valley guardian) that appears randomly everywhere (good luck for this part). Once you've done that, the achievement will be unlocked. All you have to do is speak several times in order of success to:
- Ogden & Tranton in the Durmand Priory instance - [& BOkAAAA =]
- Maezz south of the large square at the Lion's Arch [& BCkEAAA =]