It is thanks to the Jeuxvideo.com and MMORPG.com sites that ArenaNet has unveiled the new engineering specialization: the mechatronic engineer. This article will be updated with the various information that ArenaNet will reveal during the week.
Update: 17/09 - Miniature drones & Skills
You should know that the engineer is a class mainly remotely (medium and long range) but with this specialization, the situation changes. Here are the different changes you may experience with this specialization:
- News belt skills
- New weapon: Hammer
- Invocation of miniature drones
From what both sites have seen, the Engineer will be able to take much more damage than he does now. We have already noticed a similar change with the Chronomancer (Mesmer) moving towards a support path. ArenaNet reveals 3 hammer skills:
- Flash charge : Jump forward several times and deal damage with each impact
- Charged shield : Allows you to block attacks while hitting enemies
- Thunder clap : Become Thor by summoning lightning
On the utility side, the drones (utility gyrosensors) will each have a specific role. These new companions will have a fuel gauge who will determine their remaining time on the battlefield. We can of course have several drones at the same time as shown in the trailer on this specialization.
For example, the purifying gyrosensor will be able to dispel ailments from you and your allies. The associated belt skill is the chemical field which will generate a poisonous cloud inflicting Poison. The second gyrocpator unveiled is the stealth gyrosensor which will impart stealth to your party. The belt skill Pulse detection it will be used to dispel stealth from enemies in the area.
News aptitudes will also appear with this new specialization. Thanks to it you will be able to improve points such as your survival or alternatively benefits for your group. We also see a lot of bonus appearing depending on your Toughness, which confirms the new "tank" position of this specialization.
You can find all the information about this new specialization on the next Livestream on Friday September 18 at 21 p.m. on the official GW2 channel.