So here we are in the very broad subject of crafting in Guild Wars 2.
The craft is very interesting for the equipment, consumables and other bonuses adapted to its level. Using materials collected in the wild (wood, minerals, plants), found on corpses (bones, claws, blood, etc.), purchased from a dealer or even recovered from a recycled magical object, you will be able to create almost anything a player may need (as long as you are in the appropriate crafting stations for your profession).
- Different trades
- The harvest
- Mystical Forges
The different trades
What will be the different professions present in GW2?
They are 8 in number:
- The blacksmith of weapons: Specialist in the manufacture of melee weapons such as swords, axes, hammers or daggers and the elements improving these.
- The hunter: Specialist in the manufacture of ranged weapons (bows, pistols) but also torches or horns and elements improving these.
- The Artificer: Specialist in the manufacture of magical weapons such as sticks and scepters and the elements that improve them.
- The Armor Blacksmith: Specializes in crafting heavy armor and items that enhance it.
- The Leatherworker: Specialized in the manufacture of intermediate armor and elements improving it.
- The tailor: Specialized in the manufacture of light armor and elements improving it.
- The jeweler: Specialist in the manufacture of jewelry and elements improving them.
- The cook: Specialized in the preparation of dishes giving bonuses to the characters consuming them.
Of the eight crafting disciplines, you will only be able to select two. You will be able to change jobs during the game for a few coins. If you want to take a third trade, you will be asked to forget one. You can relearn it later and all your acquisitions and finds will be kept, luckily.
You will be able to create an immeasurable number of objects of all kinds: Weapons, armor, jewels, jewels, ...
Here is a table listing the various disciplines as well as their creations, equipment boosts and recommended professions.
What do the crafting points represent?
These points represent your know-how concerning your profession.
These will be graduated up to 400 and will give you the opportunity to craft new items as you progress.
Learn to craft new items:
To be able to manufacture an object, you must first know its manufacturing recipe. There are three ways to get new recipes in GW2:
- At each level of crafting you will automatically learn the basic recipes corresponding to this level.
- Some rare recipes can only be obtained from mentor NPCs in exchange for Karma points or as a random reward on the bodies of defeated enemies.
- Most of the recipes will however have to be discovered by experimentation, the player can indeed combine according to his will the different resources at his disposal. If a combination matches an existing item, he will then learn the recipe and can subsequently craft the corresponding item if he has reached the required level in his crafting. In addition, if the existing combination does not match anything the used crafting resources will not be "consumed" by the process. This innovative system is particularly interesting.

Can we learn recipes from other players?
Only recipes obtained by research. Another player will just have to give you the ingredients to combine so that you can learn it yourself.
In terms of power, how will the crafting items be compared to those obtained as loot or as a dungeon reward?
At the same level, the objects resulting from the craft industry will be of a power similar to those obtained in a more "classic" way. The main difference will be in terms of appearance.
How will it work in-game?
To craft an item you will need to use a workstation corresponding to what you want to craft (example: a forge to craft a weapon).
By using this workstation you will then have access to the crafting interface where you can combine your materials as you wish (to discover a new recipe) or according to a recipe that you already know (to make an item).
The more you craft the same item in a row, the faster the crafting will increase in order to avoid waiting too long.

How will critical successes and failures be handled during manufacturing processes?
When you craft an item there will be no possibility of failure and your job is bound to be successful. Additionally, in GW2 "Critical Achievements" will not result in more powerful items being crafted but will instead save you some of your materials or gain more crafting points.
How will we choose his (or his) specialty (s) and will this be reversible?
Each character will be able to choose up to two specialties from the list above.
This choice is not final: for a few coins, he can change his specialty with an NPC. Progress through an abandoned craft branch will not be lost, as will known recipes. However, the price to relearn a craft will depend on the level already reached.

The Harvest System
How will we be able to gather the necessary resources for crafting in GW2?
There are three ways that players will be able to get the crafting materials they need:
- As loot: by killing enemies you can collect craft items from their bodies.
- Through the use of recycling kits: you will be able to recycle items to recover crafting materials.
- By harvest itself: you will be able to collect craft resources in various places of the world during your explorations (plants, mineral veins, ...) using tools that you will have to buy from certain traders. sickles for plants, axes for wood and pickaxes for minerals. You will have to buy a good number of these tools because you break one of them each time you use them. Yes, you are apparently not very skilful!
How will the harvesting system work?
Each character will be able to harvest all types of existing resources, moreover the resource zones will only be exhausted for the character who collected them, avoiding competition between players for resources.
The Mystic Forges
La Mystic Forge is the residence of djinn Zommoros, who chose to stay away from Elona.
The principle is to exchange 4 objects for 1 other random object, of a level equal to or greater than the lowest level of your 4 objects and of rarity equal to or greater than the rarest object. The Forge only accepts combinations of four items of the same type et of the same quality.
The Mystic Forge uses random combinations of four items and recipes. For example, if you drop four Common Swords into the Forge, the Forge will return a random sword to you with a chance that that sword will be of a higher quality. There are also unique items that can be created through a specific combination without the result being random.
The Mystical Mist Forge
The left part of the interface displays the items in your inventory that can be used in the Forge. In the right panel are four locations that can accommodate your items. You just have to click on forge to use the system or reset to remove all the items you put in the slots.
- Arms
- armor
- Mini pets
- Dyes
- Exotic crafting materials
- ...
► Mystic Forge PvE:
Beside the Mystic Forge of the Lion's Arch is located Miyani. She explains how the Forge works and offers items for sale that allow you to have additional chances in obtaining a specific item or various ingredients that can be used in Mystic Forge.
Examples : A orb of pure power allowing to create a legendary object.She also sells crafting recipes for legendary items. Here is its location at the lion's arch
You will be able to create legendary equipment with this Mystic Forge.
► There are 4 WvW Mystic Forges located in each of the 3 worlds where the players appear +1 on the Eternal Battlefields, on the top floor of Château Brume Pierre.
► Mystic Forge PvP:
About the Mystical Mist Forge, you know that Structured PvP, is your equipment different from the equipment you usually wear? It's called "PvP" most of the time.
It is possible for you to buy equipment coupons to acquire new stuff, but beware, this coupon must undergo modifications to obtain its true form. Thanks to different ingredients obtained in Player versus Player Structured, you will be able to obtain new outfits.
These are cosmetic only as the PvPS stats are the same for everyone. Only the way you play will determine who is better, not your equipment! ?
Check out our guide to Mystic Forge PvP to understand and try this mechanism.
- As the result is random, the same combination of objects reproduced several times will not necessarily have the same result.
- There are achievements related to the use of the Mystic Forge.