Every day we take away the right to live
in the clash of anvils and the thunder of arms.
Ferocious and belligerent creatures, the Charr are the invaders of Ascalon and the eternal enemies of humanity. Their conquests being now threatened by imminent dangers, the Charr legions mobilize their machines of war to crush their enemies.
- Utility skills
- Elite skills
- Other
- Mine Shrapnel: Disperse up to 3 shrapnel which inflicts bleeding and crippling on enemies and cripples them.
- Hidden Pistol: Spawns a pistol.
- Artillery Barrage: Calls up an artillery barrage on a position.
- Unit Support: You summon members of your unit to temporarily fight alongside you.
- Battle Roar: Improves abilities of allies.
- The war
- Industrialization
- Four legions
Charr are a people of fear and respect. Equipped with horns, fangs and sharp claws, charr have a more or less feline appearance. Their society is devoted entirely to war, to its expansion and thus to the glory of the nation. All charr are born to serve, no matter what.
From their early childhood, discipline and the warrior spirit were instilled in them. It is in the fahrars, camps specially established for the military education of the youth, that the charr are trained both physically and mentally. Each legion has its own fahrars and therefore only young charr of the legion represented by the fahrar are admitted. It is on the Primus - the title conferred on the instructors - that fall the heavy task of watching over the little ones and preparing them for a future life strewn with battles.
But beyond the warmongering values, it is the camaraderie and the brotherhood that characterize the charr because when they become adults, those who have shared their training form combat units which constitute a kind of second family for the rest of their family. life. It also happens sometimes that charrs that are part of the same unit adopt a common last name which refers to a value with which the unit identifies.
These combat units are an integral part of what the charr call the chain of command. This constitutes one of the fundamental pillars of their society since the entire military organization revolves around this very structured hierarchy.
The four imperators have been the supreme authority since the absence of the Khan-Ur, the true leader of the nation, but their prepotence is limited to the legion they represent. They are directly assisted by a small number of charr - the tribunes - powerful commanders who have authority over vast territories and who supervise theaters of war. Under their orders, the centurions were tasked with commanding several companies and coordinating their respective military maneuvers. Sometimes, it happens that a Primus centurion is appointed to facilitate deployments and the latter is in charge of a larger number of companies (of the order of 3 to 5). However, in comparison, the forces led by the tribunes are much larger.
Each of the units that make up the companies is commanded by a legionary. Each legionary therefore has between five and twenty soldiers in charge, which he leads into combat and victory. These men of the field and of action are truly the heart of the legions.
But not all charr are directly involved in the chain of command like the Primus. Others, like the Quaestors, take care of the stewardship and administrative aspects and provide a lot of advice. These are often veterans whose quick wit is more useful in combat than their martial skills of yesteryear. There are also other, less glorious grades. Brawlers are Charr who have undergone a disciplinary transfer. Gladiums, on the other hand, are isolated charr, which are not attached to any unit. The latter are regarded with contempt, tarnish the reputation of their legion and are asked to rally a unit as soon as possible.
Regardless, whether or not they contribute directly to the channel, their goal remains the same: to achieve victory. It is in this sense that this hierarchical structure is necessary, because not only does it fit in with the spirit of discipline of the charr, but above all it allows us to be more effective in war. Nothing is there to chance.
Of all the races, the Charr are the ones whose technology has advanced the most exponentially. In the space of a quarter of a millennium, the charr company has industrialized at lightning speed. No one can now paint a picture of the Charr people without mentioning metal, gears and coal.

Several factors can explain this atypical development. They are first of all historical events and a very particular philosophy. It has been almost 250 years since the charr abjured all forms of religion. They no longer believe in the divine character of powerful entities; they respect them but do not kneel before them. By freeing themselves from the constraints caused by worshiping gods, by largely rejecting magic - magic that charr associate with ancient dogmas - by relying only on themselves to survive, charr have come to where they are. are today. Technological progress has naturally taken precedence over old beliefs.
But it is also their willingness to wage war that has engendered increased mechanization. The war effort required the mobilization of knowledge and talents. The charr learned on their own but were also inspired by dwarf techniques, in particular processes using powder. Technological discoveries have all been adapted for combat. By way of illustration, the charr used powder to make the first rifles and pistols - weapons that other races were quick to acquire.
The charr learned to design mines and all manner of explosive devices to secure permanent military influence over the other races of Tyria.

Gear and spring mechanisms are also an integral part of the charr industry and are the basis for the manufacture of vehicle appearances. Technology is brought to the forefront and the charr pay little attention to the detrimental effects on the land. Factories, forges and foundries are in full swing to design and supply the equipment needed by the armies of the legions. Today, one counts among the charr of formidable blacksmiths whose know-how sometimes manages to equal the mastery of the old dwarf craftsmen.
The Charr territories remained green but are now dotted with cities of metal which spit plumes of ashy smoke. All structures - bridges, houses, factories, barracks - are made of metal, and few buildings are exceptions to this rule. The most striking example is the Black Citadel, the capital where the headquarters reside, which reflects the progress charr (especially that of the Iron Legion) and their infatuation for metal: a center of labor and industry.

Although united by war and the desire for total victory, the Charr constitute a fragile nation. Their people tend to be divided and the dissensions between the four legions tirelessly continue to erode the bonds which unite the charr. Yet three of them have managed to establish a status quo.
Being at the antipodes of the other legions, the Legion of the Flame - or the Legion of Gold, mocking nickname given by the other charr - was rejected by the whole nation because of the questionable religious practices and the tyrannical yoke. which she formerly exercised. She therefore remains fiercely opposed to anything that the other legions undertake and tries to recover her strength to once again establish her absolute authority and impose her specious deities. The other three legions are independent, but whether it is the Iron one, led by the Impassible Empress Smodur from the Black Citadel, that of the Blood, led by Bangar Ruinbringer across the Flaming Mountains or the Ashes one, including the emperor is none other than the charr named Malice Swordshadow, all working together to eradicate the human threat.

Each emperor has his own vision of things and that of Smodur the Impassive is particularly subject to dispute. This former soldier, physically marked by his many military victories, is a visionary and seeks to transcend his nation by leading it towards ever more technological progress. The most fundamentalists of the Charr are wary of this unconventional emperor. Besides, there are rumors about his true intentions regarding a powerful artifact, the Claw of the Khan-Ur, which is in enemy hands of humans. He is accused of wanting to melt the claw so that the charr can no longer relate to their past and, therefore, so that they can fully focus on the future. His decision for a ceasefire and a peace treaty with the Queen of Humans was not accepted by everyone. Some remain perplexed while others reject the will of the emperor and their superiors who do not finish the fight.
The fact remains that most of the charr remain unified under the rule of the Iron Legion which, inexorably, allows the charr nation to consolidate its support and to continue its extension to new countries over the victories.
- Relations with other races
The bellicose nature of the charr did not help them forge alliances, or at least, peaceful relationships with other races. Knowing that they are particularly powerful, they do not hesitate to dominate any people who do not seem to them of size. It is for this reason, among other things, that their relations with the norns are characterized by mutual respect. The charr know full well that the norn are a powerful people and that it would be unthinkable to attempt to invade the icy heights of the Shiverpeaks where they have made their home.
However, in recent years there has been a change in the approach of the Charr vis-à-vis other civilizations. This development was triggered in particular by the philosophy and vision of Smodur l'Impassible. Thus, within Charr territories, and particularly in the Black Citadel, other races are tolerated as long as they follow the guidelines and keep in mind that they are not at home.
This is why it is not atypical to come across at the bend of a path or an alley, norns, asuras, sylvari and even humans (in very small numbers however for the latter).
Still, the charr don't rely on anyone because they don't need anyone to survive. Their development is concrete proof of this. But Tyria is threatened today as it has never been before; and the charr are all the more concerned by this threat since they live in Tyria and are under assault from the beasts of Kralkatorrik.

This threat could well force them to forge alliances and fight alongside other races for the survival of all, but especially their people. Perhaps a union of the races to fend off the threat of the dragons will allow the charr not to see foreign peoples as enemies to be wary of, but as allies and neighbors who are also trying to survive. And when it comes to their lifelong enemies, perhaps it will allow the two races to come together and forget about their bloody past.
- The Charrs
- Creating the Charr Starter Area
- Writing the Charr Dialogue
- The Artistic Origin of the Charr
- Virtual Universes