I had the opportunity to test the Sims 4 demo tool: create a Sim. As the name suggests, we therefore have access to the character creation tool (physical as well as aspiration and traits) but also to the sharing tools of our little family.
Basic options
When you launch the creation of your first Sim (Create a new home), you arrive on a general screen where you discover the different options.
On the left, you can choose from:
- Name (first and last name with random generator)
- Sex
- Age (for the moment, only the young adult is available but there will be child, teenager, young adult, adult and senior)
- Approach (default, perky, pretentious, confident, feminine, virile, crazy, slow and dynamic)
- Voice (soft, melodic and cheerful)
- Aspiration (1 to choose among 10 which are divided from 1 to 3 sub-aspirations)
- Features (3 to choose from 35 dispatched in 4 categories)
Our Sim can have 9 steps.


For those where we cannot see:
- Leisure time: Love music, Bookworm
- Social: Hates children, Member of a group of friends, Close to family, Reluctant to get involved
Random sim
If you don't want to worry, just use the small dice below the Sim created at launch. This will allow us to have a character quickly created to play.
But as we can't play here, it's missing out on the demo even if already there, we realize the great diversity of characters that can be created.


Changing Appearance
Personally, I use the random generation tool until I have a Sim that I basically like, and then I refine the details. For that, nothing could be simpler, just click on the part of the body that you want to modify!
We will be able to adjust the size directly on the model. In addition, by clicking, a new menu will open allowing you to have all the options that regular Sims are familiar with. Faces, body and skin color.
But also nose, chin, ears, mouth, cheeks, eyes ...
And of course corpulence.
And even tattoos!
Here we will be able to change everything directly and with great ease: either we click and we use the mouse or we choose pre-recorded profiles.
Customization of outfits
Always from the same menu of the personalization of the appearance, we will be able to accessorize our characters according to 5 outfits: daily, dressed, sport, sleep and party. There, two choices are available to us. We can either use the pre-defined looks or configure everything ourselves.
The options are numerous, it would take too long to list them all. Basically, assume that you can configure everything (or almost). We will be able to define our hairstyle and our makeup.
Makeup which is also configurable for these gentlemen in addition to the beard.
Add accessories like hats, jewelry (necklace, ring, bracelet, watch).
Put on ups and downs to combine as desired.
Opt for complete outfits.
Not to mention the underwear and bunny slippers!
Save and share your household
Once its creation is complete (the name, the lines and the aspiration are compulsory, an appearance being chosen randomly when the tool is launched), it can be saved via the large button at the bottom right.
And if we love our Sims, we can then share our home in the community, then on Facebook. The community is a large space for sharing our homes with other players. There are even creations from Maxis!
From there, we can steal the best Sims to download them in our library (thus allowing them to be used) as well as give our opinion (via the little heart or by making a comment).
In our library, there are our creations but also 5 pre-recorded creations.
Finally, from the home page of this sharing tool (I could have started there), we find the latest news, some statistics, our latest actions as well as popular hashtags, allowing you to have direct creations of the community related.
For example, by following the Disney keyword:
So much for this preview on the creation tool of the future The Sims 4 which is planned, as the demo reminds us when we leave, on September 4th!
Do not hesitate to give me ideas for characters to create! I will try to create them for you!