That's it, the long-awaited day has arrived. This Tuesday April 2 finally arrives Defiance, the MMO Shooter from Trion.
The servers were scheduled to open for 8 a.m. this morning, but the valves began to open overnight, around 1 a.m., gradually, until the full exit. Was I able to log in myself at 7 am, after a fairly short night? And no particular concern was deplored at 8 o'clock, regarding the servers. Hope everything is going as well for you.
That said, there are still some concerns to be resolved:
- Delivery of physical editions : the delivery was delayed, even if we have no information on the reasons for this additional delay.
- Patch error : the patch error would come from the fact that you did not enter a game code. The pre-order code alone does not allow you to preload the game, info obtained from Trion support.
- Missing bonuses : People have not received certain pre-order items, including those from Steam. No info for the moment.
- Boutique IG : it seems that by having linked your Credit Card to the Trion account, the in-game store does not ask for confirmation for purchases. Warning !
Small questions / answers from a developer on the official forum:
Q&R by Nathan Richardsson
Q: I just saw that the server (dedicated to my platform, I'll let you choose) for Europe is accessible, is this really true?
A: Yes, that's probably true. As the final launch time approaches, we are opening the servers on a regular basis for some tests and tweaks. At this very moment, we are working on the latest issues that still affect European PC players and American PS3 players. Understand that it works as we envisioned it: there will always be the last minute typos, right before launch!
Q: Why is my server not available at the moment?
A: Simply because we focus our teams on one type of server at a time. Sometimes the servers will need to be accessible, other times not. This allows us to check the settings by considering a large number of simultaneous players (100, 1000…) without reaching the maximum load for all that (100).
Q: Will you leave the servers open when you're done?
A: Yes, since we will probably get closer to the announced opening time and this will allow space for the arrival of players during the first hours.
Q: It's a reduced launch and you're pigeon-holing Europe once again!
A: No, of course not. Being an Icelandic myself, I can in good faith assure you that we do not intend to pigeonhole anyone. You can look at our volcanoes and our economy if you want to be sure! We are just in the last long hours of work after long weeks and we are using every available opportunity to give you the best gaming experience.
Q: But they're all going to get ahead of me!
A: I'm sure your willpower and skill set will allow you to make up for those few hours ahead of time they've had by logging in earlier, knowing that there is always that risk of losing all of their progress. They will also most certainly need to sleep and you can take the opportunity to catch them when they are in the arms of Morpheus. This point is not supposed to be fishy though.
Q: Too bad, it was not possible to pre-download and the boxes did not all arrive!
A: I have just acquired a gift of omniscience. They will be coming soon! By the way, we weren't allowed to open the pre-download for all platforms and territories and all resellers. We are sincerely sorry and are doing everything we can to correct it.
Q: So it's a "soft launch"?
A: No, I can assure you it's a much harder launch than it looks!
A first inventory after the release by Nathan Richardsson, where he gives details on some current concerns:
Letter to the community, Nathan Richardsson
In this letter to the community, he first explains that the team is proud of their baby, and that the release of Defiance has been as amazing as they had hoped. However, they do not intend to rest on their laurels and are well aware of the work they still have to do. In particular certain concerns, such as for example:
- Connection: They work very hard to ensure that everyone is able to connect and play.
- Pre-order items: where are they ?? Rest assured, they are not gone forever. They may appear suddenly during the next few hours or the next time you log in. Remember that you have to pick them up in the store.
- Bosses and Fallout Arches: These can be very difficult and sometimes the reward isn't up to the mark.
- Chat and VoIP: it's not broken. It's just that they think people should use their psychic skills more.
Second letter to the community "a little bit of humility, a little bit of caution"
A little bit of humility, a little bit of caution
In this letter, Nathan explains that the team remains focused on the known concerns of the game, staying alert to changes and constantly reassessing priorities. He also specifies that despite the light and fun way they talk about the game does not in any way mean that they do not take their concerns seriously. They just feel that if you can't laugh at yourself, take yourself too seriously, you can't do what you do with joy or passion. And it shows in the experience that others receive.After the top 4 problems of yesterday, let's take a look at today's top 4. This does not mean that those of yesterday are forgotten, of course.
- Server crashes: not to be confused with server outages for updates. It's totally different and much worse, especially for Xbox gamers, which ended with two full server crashes yesterday.
- ...... lag: it started yesterday with the expansion of certain platforms. They promise to fix this problem quickly.
- Patching issues: If you are having trouble patching the game, it could be for several things and could result in extremely slow download speed. They are working with their content distributors to address this problem. A post on the official forum has been opened so that you can forward them more details about this concern, if you encounter it.
- Client crash: as for 120Hz screens, for example. They are in the process of resolving some of these concerns.
- Pre-order items and other keys: if you have not received your items or if you are having problems with your access keys, contact your dealer already to be sure you have had all the necessary keys. It could be the pre-order code, the game access code, three additional codes for bonuses and the nuclear missile launch code. If this is the last one that concerns you, contact the nearest police department.
- Link your console account: There are issues with the My EGO site and account linking, but this should be resolved.
- Try out PvP and Shadow Wars - they need your feedback to find out if you like these game modes or not.
Let me know if you notice any other bugs, have any other concerns, that I update the list of known issues. An entire forum is dedicated to them.
Do not hesitate to participate on the forum, share your screenshots or videos. Small games (for the honor, without necessarily rewards) will be set up soon with the challenges, start heating your weapons and quads.