The most common request since the launch of Defiance has been to improve the way chat works. Over the past few months, the Defiance team at Trion has spoken at length with the pillarches about the good and the bad in this chat interface. Today here is an overview of how to improve this chat and the user interface.
In short: what was superfluous has been deleted. Previously, an unsuccessful "home cooking" attempt was made, rendering the cat unusable in the heat of the moment. Today, a cleaner, more efficient and ultimately more useful interface is offered to all Defiance fans. Without further ado, here's a quick tour of the new features.

Formerly, this is what the interface looked like.

New interface.
See that last screenshot? Player TrickCastithan is currently chatting. This is the complete new chat interface, free of any commands / emotes / etc. which blurred the legibility of the old version.
Voice chat was also separated from text chat: there was no reason to leave these two features together, hindering each other. Chat chat channels now appear at the top right of the screen, next to the mini map. The voice channel is clearly visible and can be selected "on the fly", furthermore the indicator pads now activate when someone is chatting on one of them (so you can tell where that strange voice is coming from).
Let's see the little chat window in detail: everything is now managed with tabs. This small window can be activated in the same way as the old one, and allows you to quickly change the chat area during your conversations without being distracted by any other frills.
Changing chat channels is really easy. Simply click on the desired channel (or use the left arrow on your controller) and voila! You have selected your chat channel.
You can also add additional chat tabs in the chat setup menu to better match your playstyle. You can see below that only notifications and EGO messages have been selected to appear in cat.
You are certainly impatient to see this new chat interface arrive in your game. The delivery date is scheduled for the release of the third DLC, "The 7th Legion", arriving in February. And that's not the end of it, more things are being researched and developed to improve the quality and usability of Defiance, so stay tuned, you'll hear from you soon!
Good hunt !