The 0.53 is finally out and here is all it offers us:
Known issues
In some cases, servers may suffer from slight freezes (there will be a fix to resolve this problem). Throwing something while doing another action can get your character stuck in the fall position until the next reconnection.
Change Log 0.53.126384
New objects
- Craft leather jacket, pants, bag, shoes and jacket
- Balai
- Paddles
- Plumbing pipe
- Steak knife
- Hatchet
- Crochet
- Finned mass
- Red, green, blue and gray sweater
- Red, green, blue, yellow, purple, orange and black quilted jacket
- Blue, red, pink and black raincoat
- Yellow, orange, blue, green, red, pink and black armband
- M65 jacket khaki, black, olive and tan
- Bayonet for AK
- Rocket gun
- Ice ax
- US excavator
- Tire changer
New mechanics
- You can use a sight in your hands with no limit on the Y axis
- You can use rope, tape, or wire to capture a player
- You can use blades, pliers, hacksaw or lockpick to free a player
- You can make armbands by tearing up a raincoat
- You can use the kitchen tripod as a melee weapon
- You can attach a kitchen tripod to a campfire
- You can transfer water, gasoline or sanitizer to any type of container (except soda cans)
- You can transfer liquids from one container to another
- You can get the skin tan using lime
- You can upgrade an oven campfire
- You can use an ice ax to extract rock
- You can sew leather jacket, jacket, pants, shoes, hat ... with a tanner's kit
- Construct fireplace states by attachments. (??)
- Campfire consumes fuel (increase / decrease in firebox temperature)
- Heat from one item can transfer to another (you can heat an object in the fire and then keep it on you to maintain your body temperature)
- You can find worms by digging a garden plot
- Planting in a garden plot is less efficient than growing in a greenhouse
- Zucchini plants, seeds and growth process
New animations + audio
- Hand position on the distress gun and reload animation
- Pumping water to the fountains
- Bang for supersonic ammunition
- Whistling Bullets
- Melee weapon sounds
- Distress gun sound
New locations
- Terra incognita
- Castle on Skalisty Island
- Nagornoe Village
- New version of BattleEye
- Antihacks
- Vehicle persistence
- The navmesh connected to the entity controller
- Addition of logs for admins on private servers (connections, disconnections, damage, chat ...)
- Suicide via various equipment
- You cannot unpin a grenade lying on the ground
- Painting of the Ghillie Suit
- Arrows created no longer consume two feathers instead of one under certain circumstances.
- Deployment of a ruined fish trap
- Canceling an action in progress while digging in a greenhouse
- Campfire heating process dysfunction
- Dysfunction of the effects of humidity on temperature
- Placement of hands on AKs
- The kitchen knife cannot be placed in the backpack
- Deterioration of the catch in the fish trap
- Damage to the textures of certain ruined objects (book, heatpack ...)
- Excavator size
- Clothing size dysfunction
- Heatpacks keep you warm longer, its longevity is affected by its condition.
- Flash at gun muzzle
Known issues
- Freezes on servers
- Character gets stuck after throwing a melee weapon during a weapon swap
- Sometimes the player cannot pick up an object from the ground
- The V3S can pass through the ground under certain circumstances.
- Players experience desynchronization from one side of the vehicle to the other.
- Objects with too long classnames are not saved in the database.
- Items in the backpack rearrange when connecting to the server
- Player can be stuck in a building after reconnecting
- Shadows and cities are linked to lower FPS
- Camera clipping issues