Cloud Pirates, My.com's pirate ship fighting game, is back for a second beta weekend.
We find a large part of the mechanisms already presented during the first phase of alpha (which you can find the overview here). We are therefore on board large vessels that evolve in 3D in graphically very pleasant environments.

The ZQSD (or direction) keys are used to steer the ship, Shift makes go down, Space makes up.
The ship has 3 shooting angles, in front and one on each side. As the barrels overheat, it is essential to alternate, paying close attention to the gauge. Other important gauges to watch out for are life and shield. Because, of course, once the shield is down, the life of the ship goes down. And when there is no more life, boom! We go into spectator mode for about twenty seconds before coming back. To increase survival, there are bonuses that appear on the map and repair, while providing temporary damage boosts (the green contraption on my capture on the right next to clamoune).
Ships also have abilities that are unlockable, doing additional damage, repairing the ship, or even deploying a temporary shield. Ships progress through Research, along two axes, Weapons and Equipment. It costs ship experience, to research, and then gold, to buy it. Knowing that you can save gold by doing only research to advance in the tree.
By doing this, it fills the upgraded ship's gauge (present on the right in the screenshots above). Thus, with my small beginner ship (Trainee), I was able to access the Veteran after 4 matches, a rank II. This is only the beginning, because there is plenty to improve on. You have to think carefully about what you want to do because, for example, to access the healers (the blue ships), you have to go through the Gale. So that forced me to start over to get a ship corresponding to my playstyle (here the rank II of the healer ship, the Hope):
In the maps played, I had access to three modes, the end goal always remaining the same, to be the first team to 1000 points.
- Deathmatch : eliminate enemies.
- Hunt : capture treasures and deliver them to free traders, the color of the treasure indicates the trader concerned.
- Capture : Capture the checkpoints and eliminate the enemies.

At the end of a match, there are two tables: rewards and statistics.
In addition to achievements, you gain gold, experience (to advance your captain) and ship experience (to unlock ships). Indeed, in addition to having added ships, this beta offers a new progression of the captain. In the first row, I have the choice between: ship speed + 2%, side cannon overheat -2%, hull durability + 2%, side cannon cooling speed + 2%, horizontal acceleration +2 %, equipment durability + 2%. I got 150 talent points at level 2, each costing 50 points (some star, cross or circle checkpoints are free). Then 50 additional points for each level gained.
However, there is not much customization possible at the moment. As much for the captain who is limited to the choice of an image, as for the ship which a priori can subsequently be modified along 3 axes: flag, sails and hull. There is currently no other choice but I was able to see elements in the Founders packs for example. So to see how the rest will be unlocked in the game.
The first parts are trivial, we won without any difficulty against poorly organized enemies. Then, once these five games were over and the first more advanced ship unlocked, the games got tough, with more maps, modes, and challenges. The battle was then unleashed on maps still as pretty in the middle of cities in the clouds, of flying rocks. The ships are manoeuvrable and navigate easily in the rather pleasant environment. You have to think as a team and as a strategy, to keep all the points, or to escort the goods, while playing between the rocks, while taking into account the fields of vision and the angles of fire of allies and enemies. Clamoune and I recycled our usual combo, he takes a big heavy ship (he opted for the Rock) and I keep him alive behind with a healer by hiding in the background. Rather effective (until enemies understand and kill me with a single missile).
If you want to test yourself, here are some keys just for you:
Games Managers Contest
Happy hunting, mate!