Are you in luck, my little beetle? Come sit down for this new lesson, where I will tell you about Wheels of Fortune, which you will find throughout your journey.
The principle of these Wheels is simple: turn the wheel to obtain random objects.
To obtain the right to spin the wheel, it is necessary to obtain Essences, which you will find by eliminating Area Bosses, which are usually found not far from the Wheel. Note that the number of Essence you receive depends on the amount of damage you inflicted (usually you take two, or even three if you hit hard).
I therefore suggest that you travel the world in search of these Wheels of Fortune, and discover the rewards they can give you.
Verdant Coast - Pyres of the Purifiers
Location :
Boss to eliminate : Jiangshi impie
Booty :
- Stalker weapon
- Stalker's Baguas Set
- Outfit Stalker Clothing
- Head Accessory Tracker Headgear
- Stalker Talisman Face Accessory

Respawn time : every 2 minutes
Notes : the tracker's weapon is necessary for the first evolution of your weapon.
Burning Lands - Crescent Lake
Location :
Boss to eliminate : Golden Deva
Booty :
- Weapon of the Golden Deva
- Set of Baguas du Deva doré
- Deva Clothing Outfit
- Deva's Aura Garment Accessory (can only be used with Deva's Garment Outfit, craftable)
- Head Accessory Deva's Helmet

Respawn time : 2 minutes
Notes : to make the Deva appear, you must first defeat the two "dogs" on the left and right, collect the orbs they drop then place them in the small lanterns.

Notes 2 : The Golden Deva weapon is necessary to upgrade your weapon to level 20 in Chained Devourer.
Burning Lands - Mirage of Yehara
Location :
Boss to eliminate : Pinch size
Booty :
- Arms of the scorpion
- Set of scorpion rings
- Biker Outfit
- Head Accessory Quilting Suit
- Pricker Tail Facial Accessory

Respawn time : 2 minutes
Notes : Pincetaille regularly disappears in the soil. To make it reappear, take the bombs nearby and throw them on the cloud of sand it lifts.
Undine Plains - Lycandi Foothills
Location :
Boss to eliminate : Lycandi
Booty :
- Lycan weapon
- Set of Lycan Rings
- Wolf Skin Outfit
- Lycan's Grief Face Accessory
- Lycan Hair Tuft Accessory (only usable with outfit)

Respawn time : 2 minutes
Note: Lycan's weapon is required to evolve the Awakened Hell weapon, at level 36.
Undine Plains - Saphir Basin
Location :
Boss to eliminate : Arch
Booty :
- Poor de Kaari
- Kaari Baguas Set
- Kaari Costume Outfit
- Kaari Mask Face Accessory
- Kaari Glasses Face Accessory

Respawn time : 5-6 minutes
Undine Plains - Orchard of Souls
Location :
Boss to eliminate : Jiangshi impie
Booty :
- Unholy Weapon
- Baguas Impie Set
- Unholy Shroud Outfit
- Unholy jiangshi secret face accessory

Respawn time : 2-3 minutes
Notes : to reveal the zone boss, it is necessary to unseal the wedges distributed all around. To do this, you have to kill the guardians, recover their orb and place it on the hold.
Notes 2 : The Unholy weapon is required for the evolution of the Unleashed Hell weapon at level 36.
Undine Plains - Siege of Leviathan
Accessible at the very start of the Daily Quest area, Essences can be collected randomly, from enemies or from Quest Reward Chests.
Location :
Booty :
- Set of baguettes by Leviathan (blues)
- Black Spur Officer Uniform Outfit
- Head accessory The chef of the Hard Wok Café

Undine Plains - Dark Blood Port
Accessible at the very start of the Daily Quest area, Essences can be collected randomly, from enemies or from Quest Reward Chests.
Location :
Booty :
- King of the Marauders Outfit (available in two versions)
- Noble Outfit of the Sea
- Marauder's Ego Face Accessory
- Cobalt Widow Enamel Headband Face Accessory
- Face Accessory Alluring Blue Mantis Eye Patch

Undine plains - Quai de l'Eperon noir
Accessible at the departure points of the Siege of Leviathan and Port of Darkblood, you will be able to find Wheels. However, tickets will have to be purchased to access it:
Location :
Booty :
- Same player still playing: allows, by accumulating 10 of these tickets, to buy a Wheel Ticket.
- Dark Silver Chest: Contains
- Dragon Arena Invitation: allows you to get a PvP quest (win two duels), rewarded by 400