Players looking at Reddit may have seen it: Battefield content has been leaked. Scenario, weapons, dogtags, cards, game modes, everything is there!
- Episodes and chapters
- subtitles and character names
- Dogs Tags
- Arms
- Gadgets
- Melee weapons
- Cards
- Game modes
- Camos
- sounds
- Battlepacks
- Other
- Episode 0 : Prologue
- Chapter 1: Prologue
- Episode 1 : Friends in High Places
- Chapter 1: Flight School
- Chapter 2: Total War
- Chapter 3: Carry Your Friend
- Chapter 4: Blitz
- Episode 2 : Nothing is Written
- Chapter 1: Hidden in Plain Sight
- Chapitre 2 : Young Mens Works
- Chapter 3: Hear The Desert
- Episode 3 : Through Mud and Blood
- Chapter 1: Tank Assault
- Chapter 2: Fog of War
- Chapter 3: Out of Gas
- Chapitre 4 : Steel on Steel
- Episode 4: Forward Savoy!
- Chapter 1 : ?
- Chapter 2 : ?
- Episode 5 : The Runner
- Chapter 1 : ?
- Chapter 2 : ?
- Chapter 3 : ?
- Episode 6 : Epilogue
- Chapter 1: Gallipoli
- Chapter 2: The Runaround
- Chapitre 3 : Saving a Life
Character names: Pritchard, Mcmanus, Finch, Townsend, Edwards
Dialogues :

- Awarded to players whom completed "The Road to Battlefield 1" missions in Battlefield 4 or Battlefield Hardline. - Reward obtained when the mission "The road to Battlefield 1" of BF 4 or BF Hardlina is completed.
- Awarded to players who own a previous Battlefield game. Welcome back! - Reward obtained when the player owns another Battlefield game
- Awarded to players who attended any of the Battlefield 1 real life events. - Reward obtained when a player attends actual events in Battlefield 1.
- Awarded to players who online events. - Reward obtained when the player participates in an online event.
- Awarded to the first players on Battlefield 1 with Origin Access and EA Access Play First trials. - Reward obtained by players who have access to BF1 through Origin Access and EA Access Play First.
- Awarded to players who joined the Battlefield 1 Closed Alpha. - Reward obtained by players who participated in the Alpha.
- Awarded to players who joined the Battlefield 1 Open Beta. - Reward obtained by players who participated in the open beta.
- Awarded for completing Companion Operations. - Reward obtained by having completed the "Companion Operations".
- Awarded for playing Companion Operations during the week leading up to launch Battlefield 1. - Award obtained for playing Companion Operations the week following the launch of BF1.
- Awarded to players who make the best choices with AMD Radeon - Award obtained by players who made the best choices with AMD Radeon.
- Awarded to players who accepted the challenge, purchased the Epic Box and want to be part of Battlefield. Join in, you are a strong warrior! - Reward obtained by the players who accepted the challenge, bought the "Epic Box" and who wanted to be part of BF. Come on, you are a strong warrior!
- Standsch
- Beretta Model 1918
- Bergmann Schmeisser MP18
- Browing Auto 5
- Remington Model 10 Trench
- Winchester Model 1897 Trench
- Luger Rifle
- Remington Model 8
- Cei-Rigotti M1895
- Winchester M1907 SL
- Martini Henry
- Springfield M1903
- Lee Enfield MK III SMLE
- Mauser rifle 98
- Steyr-Mannlicher M1895
- Winchester M1895
- Browning Automatic Rifle
- Madsen MG
- British Bulldog
- Frommer stop
- FN Model 1903
- Colt Pocket Hamerless
- Mauser 1914
- Kolibri
- Borchardt C-93
- Mars Automatic Pistol
- Steyr M1912
- Baretta M1915
- Colt 1911
- Lancaster Pistol
- Luger P08
- Mauser cxnumx
- Webley-Fosbery Audo Revolver
- Smith & Wesson Model 3
- Bodeo 1889
- Melee Weapons
- Graces
- My
- Anti Tank Gun
- Dynamite
- Mortar / mortar
- Tripwire Bombs
- Field Kit Weapons
- Stationary Weapons
- Tanker
- Pilot
- Boat Weapons
- Behemoth Weapons
- Cavalry Weapons
- Assault
- AT Grenade
- AT Mine
- Breechgun
- Medic
- Bandages
- Medic Bag
- Rifle Launcher
- Syringe
- Wrench
- Support
- Ammo Crate
- Mortar
- Tripwire Bomb
- Scout
- Flaregun
- K Bullet
- common
- Gas mask
- Pomegranates
- Fragmented
- Gas
- Impact
- Incendiary
- Mini
- Smoke
- Hatchet
- Knife
- Know
- Shovel
- Bayonet
- Mace
- Club
- MP_Amiens
- MP_Chateau
- MP_Desert
- MP_FaoFortress
- MP_Forest
- MP_Argonne
- MP_ItalianCoast
- MP_MountainFort
- MP_Scar
- MP_Suez

- checker01
- desert_03
- Flecktarn_01
- hStripe01
- Interwar_01
- Lozenge_01
- M1917_01
- Solid_01
- Spray_01
- Starbust_01
- Tigerstripe_01
- U_NoCamo
- Victory_01
- vStripe01
- Woodland_01
- Woodland_02
- Woodland_NoStipes
- Zebra_02
You can find all the sounds here.
List of voices:
- spanish
- Germans
- English
- Robotic
Find here the sounds of the weapons and the new vehicles of the alpha.
- Slim Jim Silver Battlepack
- Slim Jim Double XP Battlepack
- Ax Bronze Battlepack
- Axe Promotional Bundle
- Prima Gold Battlepack
- First Bronze Battlepack
- VIP Gold Battlepack
- Welcome Back Silver Battlepack
- Keep Fighting Bronze Battlepack
- Pre-Order Gold Battlepack
- 3 Origin Digital Deluxe Gold Battlepack
- Veterans Battlepack
Further information was found:
- 6 named files M_PatchSpain
- 2 new statistics: HORSE KILLED (horses killed) et HORSE WOUNDED (injured horses)
- A strange medal: Zeppelin Raid Metal
- Le Veteran Battleplack is back.
- We can change the face of our soldier in multiplayer mode. There are 11 faces available: Akor, Darek, David, Ibrahim, Jensk, Karlt, Lamin, Pa, Prav, Thomas et Viktor.
- List of multiplayer factions: