The new Dread Prophecy update will be released on April 28. The latter brings a lot of changes, especially with regard to ships.
New interface for ships
Interface modifications will be made, in particular a brand new button which will be present on the ship's information window. The latter will make it possible to display a diagram of the ship, with its locations, in order to be able to equip it with the components of your choice.
In this new interface, it will now be possible to see the basic statistics as well as the number and type of custom components that can be equipped.
Ship components
Dread Prophecies brings a lot of new components. It is nearly 100 new components which come to enrich the repertoire of craftsmanship. In particular, you will find:
- Armaments: armor, harpoons and cannons used to inflict damage on enemies and ships.
- Sails: spinnakers, mainsails and rigging that improve the speed and maneuverability of your vessel.
- Figureheads: sculptures installed on the front of your ship that confer unique abilities.
- Masts: sail supports that enhance the durability of your ship and its resistance to damage.
- Rudders: bars made to optimize your vessel's tack speed.
- Navigation: telescopes, compasses, fish finders and sonars that help you better scan your surroundings.
- Light: lanterns and Starlight that prevent you from being spotted when active.
- Logistics: storage for parcels, plus an explosives workbench that can be used to manufacture ammunition in the open sea.
- Naval equipment: anti-collision boards that prevent unwanted arrivals on the sides of a warship.
- Various devices: underwater respirators, portable harpoons and decorations.
- Sound equipment: bells and drums that you can use to warn an opponent that they are not going to last long.
Customize your ship
Before you can equip or change the above components, you will need to go (or summon) your ship to one of Ezi's towers of Light. These are located at specific locations for each faction.
- Haranis et Firrans - Austere
- Nuians and Elves - Ezna
- Pirates - Ground portail
- All factions - Diamond shores
Note that equipping a component to your ship will permanently bind it to your character.
Leveling, weight and speed
Among the new components, some of them can be re-leveled with Ship Component Regeneration Scrolls that can be collected from creatures inhabiting the ocean. However, this will bring some restrictions and penalties.
- The rank increase is not certain, it is possible that the latter will be destroyed during the operation.
- The more a component has a higher grade, the more it will increase the weight of the ship.
- The weight of the ship affects its maximum speed.
In addition, each ship will have a limit of players who can be present on board before suffering penalties.
- Overloaded ships will lose speed and may even sink.
- Enemy players boarding a ship count toward the maximum passenger capacity calculation.
Mechanics and multiple shields
Mechanisms will have even more work to do with this update. It will be possible to use Shatigon's Sand, available from general merchants, to repair your ship at sea, however mechanics will get better results from the repairs.
In addition, some components will require a certain level of mechanical skill in order to be made.
Once the update is implemented, it will be possible to apply images directly to the sails of the ship without having to use a scroll. It will also be possible to display multiple images if your vessel has multiple sails.
What do you think of the planned improvements and additions?