In the world of ArcheAge, choosing your own path isn't just about where you go or what activities you take part in, it's also who your character is and what they become. Echoing this week's live, we're going to take a look at the combat classes and crafting skills you can mix and match to ultimately create a character that's all your own.
Combat classes
Your class is made up of three skill sets, chosen from a possible ten. There are no restrictions on which set can be paired with the others, providing 120 class combinations with unique names and varying functionality (and efficiencies). Want barding skills alongside your ambidextrous melee and archery skills? There's a name for that: Bloodskald.
Your first skill set is chosen during character creation. Only six options are available at this time, in order to prevent unsuspecting players potentially skipping their first five levels without offensive abilities (the first six available skill sets all start with an ability that can do damage). The second and third skill set slots are unlocked at levels five and ten, and the skills chosen can still be traded for a certain amount of gold.
While your character's overall level determines how many points you have to spend on active and passive abilities, each skill set levels up independently. As long as you gain experience, your equipped skill sets will also progress (granting access to new abilities once leveled up).
Skill sets retain their individual level even when unequipped, allowing you to max out multiple skill trees if you wish. Skill sets never used will remain at level ten, regardless of your character's main level. It is generally easier to insert a low level tree with two stronger ones when mounting additional trees.
To reset the points in a skill set, just go to the skills menu. To reset an equipped skill set, you must go to a skill manager NPC or to a Nui present at resurrection sites.
Skill set
This skill set focuses on damage done from a distance - as you would expect - with the trade-off that ranged abilities are penalized for getting too close to the target. Some active abilities help keep the target at bay while applying damage over time and other effects. His passive abilities increase mobility and physical damage done from a distance.
This skill set applies advantages to the caster and his party, disadvantages to enemies, and a mixture of healing, defensive, and crowd control light. Its large toolbox is made for group support.
Charge into the pile, fight on contact, and stop the targets from escaping! This skill set is primarily focused on offensive prowess with passive abilities that boost your attacks and provide perks for dual-wielding.
This is the main skill set for those who want to wear a shield and take some damage. This tree allows you to gather high protection skills, attract attacks and have damage mitigation specific to the role of tank. His passive abilities focus on blocking and reducing damage received.
Focused on applying a variety of status effects and disadvantages applied from a distance, this skill set is ideal for bringing a little more tools for your magical damage or even healing. Its passive abilities increase your mana generation and magic critical strike chance.
Shadow Play
Quick attacks and great mobility in and out of combat situations are the specialties of this skill set, especially stealth and surprise attacks. The tree also features lower threat generation passives, increases evasion as well as the chance to do high damage on critical hits.
This is the skill set for any aspiring bard. Songcraft comes with a variety of tricks. Its abilities include ranged damage and crowd control, perks and small heals, debuffs and more - all the right tools to have access to everything solo or in a group! Its liabilities mainly increase the abilities of this set.
Punish your enemies with area or ranged effects in the form of fire, electricity and ice! The passive capacities of Sorcery increase damage while its multiple effect-over-time combos provide plenty of disruption to targets.
Keep yourself and others alive with the help of healing, long-term healing, protection and resurrection spells. Passive abilities increase your possible mana amount and the potential for your healing effects.
This skill set is all about crowd control - both applying and removing them. The spellcasters of Witchcraft Lock down fights and control battles while their passive abilities increase defense and crowd control.
Synergies between abilities in different skill sets are called combos. Most combos are based on the ability to apply a condition to the target that causes another possibility to do more damage or apply another increased condition. Some combos are specific to synergies between abilities: after jumping away from the target with Shadowplay’s Drop Back, you can instantly cast Sorcery’s Flame Bolt.
The combo effects applied by an ability are displayed by a small icon at the bottom right of the stats section of the hovered skill. At the bottom of the tooltip, under "Combos," you'll find a description of the abilities that can trigger a combo effect.
Functioning of the Professions
Professions are completely separate from combat skills or character level, these are the crafting skills of ArcheAge. At any time, you can start gaining mastery in these trades just by doing related activities: mining for Miner profession, cook for Cook profession, make wood furniture for Carpentry profession. In fact, most actions that are performed by spending Labor Points (a health-like resource or mana that regenerates slowly over time) earn points in Profession as well as Experience. It is quite possible to reach the maximum level thanks to the professions.
At 10 points in a profession, that profession will be capped until you choose to unlock a specialization of that specific skill. You can raise the number of professions you want up to 000, but from there the specializations are limited:
- 5 can reach 20 points
- 4 can reach 30 points
- 3 can reach 40 points
- 2 may reach the current maximum number of 50 points.
It is possible to increase specializations and maximum skills are subject to change.
The advantages of specializing in additional profession levels are to increase the speed of action (when harvesting or crafting), to decrease labor costs, to increase the chances of obtaining rare items when harvesting and gain access to locked skills needed for crafting recipes.
In addition to gaining experience and skills, you will also earn vocation points. These points can be exchanged as a currency at the merchants of the Brotherhood Blue Salt. Brotherhood Blue Salt is a global partnership of gatherers and artisans who provide training quests and specialty products to purchase with vocation points.
List of occupations
Potions, Equipment Upgrade Stones (Lunastones), reagents for other crafting recipes, dyes.
Wooden weapons, furniture.
Regional specialties (shopping bags), also acquired at the auction house.
Acquired by writing and recording sheet music for the composition system. Raising your level allows you to write longer compositions and play them without errors.
Non-productive skill acquired by completing the stages of building structures and ships.
Food and drink that provide combat benefits and health / mana regeneration.
Plant and harvest fruits, vegetables or grains. (ex: corn, rice, tomatoes).
Collection skill. Fresh and salt water fishing in addition to sport fishing for big fish!
Plant and harvest herbs and flowering plants (eg azalea, clover, cotton).
Instruments, jewelry, fishing tools, various house decorations.
Care and feeding of farm animals.
Non-productive skill acquired by stealing unprotected crops or livestock from same-faction players.
Leather worker
Leather armor, hide refinement, other leather goods.
Productive skill. Maintain and cut down trees.
Vehicles, ships, gliders and related small parts.
Stones of the beyond, refining of stones.
Plate armor, refining ores into ingots.
Skill in collecting ore and processing rough stones.
printing house
Paper, sheet music, books.
Fabric weave, fabric refinement.
Creation of metal weapons.
We hope you enjoyed this look at classes and crafting! Do not hesitate if you have any questions !