All Guns On Deck is presented as a real-time tactical action role-playing game, featuring naval battles, a unique battle system and an unforgettable world to conquer!
The game begins with a long rather off-putting tutorial made up of a succession of informative screens on the game and its mechanisms. Even when trying to be attentive, the amount of information and the lack of any field experience makes learning difficult. Here is the information given but don't worry, we'll talk about it later.

Then comes the character creation, currently limited to a male character and the customization of the uniform color. On the right I discover what turns out to be an important element of the gameplay: the chips (or chips). Whether for our character here or as I'll find out later for the ship, the additional features are set via installable chips. I choose 4 a bit at random (the big chip at the top only allows you to have a preview).
Then I arrive at my naval base. The nice guy on the lower left bridge gives me some money and I go shopping.
3 buildings are important to visit before setting out to sea: the shop at the bottom left where I can buy other chips, the barracks where I can hire sailors and the shipyard where I can customize my ship (therefore always at home). lice or fleas). Unfortunately I don't have enough money for new chips yet, but the stock is good. To see for later!

I'm ready, let's go! There are baddies in red in the north and I'm going to pay them off!
I then switch to combat mode where the information at the beginning is useful to me. Needless to say that at the beginning, my ship exploded very quickly without me fully understanding the reasons. After a few unsuccessful attempts, I finally manage to repel most of the waves. Here is in a few words what to remember to fully understand the game, knowing that the management of the ship is dispatched in 8 rooms:
- take little guys in the crew room (3) then change into 4 yellow specialists thanks to the room (4) to position them in the maintenance room (2). They are going to repair the ship and it is essential to constantly have 4 guys at work.
- if you have enough crew, take 3 little sailors to put them in the loading chamber (5). If you do not have enough, you will have to click manually on the small ammunition to reload the weapons.
- change a guy to Techhead then put it all right (room 8). Put a classic sailor on the computer next to it and trigger the chip when necessary. At the beginning, you only have one chip so no need to bring in other sailors.
- finally, if you have enough guys, you can put a few in command of the weapons (room 6). It is quite easy to manage the weapons yourself so it is not compulsory.
There are then two things to watch carefully: the fire which in this case will require transforming a sailor into a firefighter and positioning him exactly where the fire started. There is no need to monopolize a guy into a firefighter as the change in specialty is currently rapid. The second thing concerns the paratroopers. You can see it above, there is a little guy who is just upstairs from the rooms of the ship. Click as fast as possible on it to kill it because the damage it inflicts on the hull is significant.
With these few tips, you should be off to a good start and chain up waves of enemies, even if it isn't always easy.
Rather nice, the title currently lacks especially balancing: the paratroopers do crazy damage and I still did not understand how to compensate for some damage. Even putting little guys in full repair, my ship irreparably takes a little more damage than I can repair, leading irreparably to the final outcome ...
Fortunately, it is then always possible to take a new ship in the shipyard and go seek revenge! All Guns On Deck remains fun despite its flaws, a good little unassuming escape!